Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crap Yesss.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ol' Flagstone

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

#1. I am very grateful for everything I love all the time, unless I forget, then I am still grateful, just too cranky to appreciate it.

#2. Speaking of cranky, my cousins have no tact or manner. I want to slap them. Upside to Thanksgiving? Seeing relatives. Downside to Thanksgiving? Seeing relatives.

#3. But I won't be cranky anymore, because I get to escape with my favored cousin, my sister, and my mom to see Fantastic Mr. Fox!!!

I think getting to hear George Clooney's voice for an hour and a half will soothe my cranky-nerves quite splendidly.

p.s: Thanksgiving dinner way yum.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Life advice

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Commercial World.

I want to live in commercial world. The ones where if you use the right shampoo then you will be beautiful and beautiful men will all hang out and be happy with you in some grassy field.
Or the kinds where if you are wearing the right jeans then some hunk will meet you in the middle of the city in a huge adventure and it'll be super romantic and cute.
OR the ones where if you drink the right alcohol, everybody will love you, and you'll be happy and glamorous.

Curse you commercial writers/designers! >=(

Monday, November 16, 2009

Say yay for hay!

No, I say boo! boooo!
Dumb cows. I just realized that on top of winter being cold and dark and depressing, it is also filled not with joy, but with ear canals filled with hay.

I am starting to feel the impending doom of having to feed the cows one of these days. And I don't like it! I don't like it one bit!

In other news, I got my H1N1 vaccination. Woo! Nasal spray, even better. I hate shot-sore arms.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Is out to get me.

Laptop power chord does not work, laptop dead.
Mp3 player does not work, dropped it, now it clicks.
Car stereo does not work: no cd player, no tape player, no radio, no backlights.
Portable DVD player charger bitten through by a naughty cat, and screen gets possessed occasionally.
Expensive noise-canceling headphones have a short in it.
CPU won't play my favorite games (Lord of the Rings, Sim City) and has no internet access.

Techno-angst over.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

I can not express how giddy these songs make me. They are also super (or at least a little) embarrassing.

-Hey Ya-Outkast (actually, I don't feel embarrassed about this one at all)
-My Humps-Black Eyed Peas
-I Want it That Way-Backstreet Boys
-Poker Face-Lady Gaga
-Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake (Timberlink. I swear it's Timberlink)

Friday, October 9, 2009


Don't you hate knowing exactly when and where you passed up the path that you should've taken. And now you are too far down the wrong path, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it?

Yeah, me too.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Go away winter.

I'm semi-sick. Sore throat, runny nose, headache, clogged ears.

I miss my fluffy kitty.

Happy note: my mom made squash soup. She also made berry coffee-cake. My sister is also bringing me some nice hot chai tea.

I guess being miserable and pathetic has it's perks.

Monday, September 28, 2009


It's already back to "YOU LIE!"


Sunday, September 27, 2009

So you wanna revolution?

Well, you know, everyone wants to change the world.

So I was driving home with my sister and mom, and on the overpass before our exit people always put up messages by sticking plastic cups through the chain-link fence. Usually these messages are "Welcome Home Elder So-and-so", right? And occasionally something like "Take Luck!" or "We love you so-and-so", right? WELL, Saturday evening it said "YOU LIE!" on both sides, because of Congressman whoever who shouted that at President Obama. So, this annoys me slightly, and I say "I want to put up a message." And so my sister and I decided we would put up a message. Not just any message, though. And not a blatant response to "YOU LIE!", but instead, a little message from the Beatles; "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" on one side, and "LET IT BE" on the other.
Problems: Ran out of cups of the right size.
Problem that turned into awesome: We over-bought when we went to get more, so we could write more! We wrote: "FREE YOUR MIND" on the side of LET IT BE.
We kidnapped my friend, Becky, as well.

I think that no matter what, sometimes we all need a reminder to free our minds, let it be, and that all you need is love.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just sayin'.

Teenage boys are probably jealous that they can't grow their face hair like I can grow my armpit hair.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I love my English class. I love my English professor. I love England.

Robin Hood, you KNOW I love you. Robin Hood is also English.
Todaaaay, in claaaass, my professor mentioned the Crusades, and talked about how horrible they were. And ROBIN HOOD was IN the crusades! She didn't mention that, but I know it because I watch a fabricated show that takes many liberties with Robin Hood. And the hit-series of the BBC, never ever lie.

Actually, for real, he really did fight in the Holy Land. I googled it. And google ALSO never lies. (it actually is fairly reliable.)

Uuuh, I have nothing more to say, really. OH OH OH, Robin Hood Series Premiere, BBC AMERICA, THIS SATURDAY!!! YUSSSSSS

Today I had coffee. Today is a much better day for it.
Note to self: mornings are less cranky if you have caffeine.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Last night I went to a Taking Back Sunday/Blink 182 concert. Blink 182 were, as expected, very profane, but it was still fun. The light show was what was most amazing. AND OF COURSE, TAKING BACK SUNDAY was awesome. Here is a sort of crappy picture of the show. Imagine a lot better light show!
(click on pictures to view full size)

Okay, so you can't see it with perfect clarity, BUT that UFO looking thing? THAT IS TRAVIS BARKER PLAYING DRUMS. THAT IS A DRUM SET! His set lifted off the ground, then went to one side, and to another, AND THEN STARTED SPINNING, all while he was playing furiously, with no fault. That was probably the highlight.

Oh hewoh taking back.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I am a George McFly.

"I mean, I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection."

I know I a George McFly, however much I wish I were a Eugenides or a Robin Hood. Maybe I have a dash of Robin Hood in me. Maybe a pinch of Zorro, hopefully. I like to think a smidgen of Elizabeth Bennet. I like to think of myself as some sort of Remus Lupin, but I probably fall closer to Neville Longbottom. Not necessarily a bad thing, but probably more accurate, and less exciting. I am probably too much of Emperor Kuzco. He's just there to cover up Neville and George, though. Them and Holly. I am a Holly Golightly. Not the Holly that weaves through her party saying "Dahling" and putting fires out nonchalantly, but the Holly that is going to Brazil, no matter what Fred says. The Holly that calls everyone that's done her wrong Super Rats. I am good at Super Ratting.
I definitely am an Ensign Pulver. Ensign is who stops me from being Napoleon Bonaparte. Not necessarily the power-crazed dictator part. Mostly the brilliant with a ridiculous amount of ambition part. I suppose there are worse things to lack than ambition.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welllll, those lazy hazy crazy days of suuuummer.

are over. =( Or are soon to be, at least.

Recently I went on a road trip to Oregon, to visit my cousins with my sister and mom. We went to the beach and the dog park, watched lots of Flight of the Conchords, picked lots of blueberries, and ate ridiculously delicious dessert. Here are some pictures of me and my cousin's dog, Charlie.

This is Abigail with Charlie the Poodle, and Penny Sparkles, the Pomeranian.

My cousin Rachel, who is a very impressive person to me. I want her to move here, and be my friend. I yike her.

Charleton (Charlie, Chuck) at the beach.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Oink pt. 2

Pt.2 is really Pt. 758301120938562740938.

today I had a nice juicy burger, heavily spiced fries, a large raspberry shake, a lot of licorice, a partially-hydroginated-oil tamale, a cup of cheerios, a pear, a granola bar, and for breakfast I had Cream of Weber.

Half of that isn't so bad? It's just that I feel bloated and like I can't even suck my stupid stomach in, because I'm so full.


Sleep costly decisions.

It is now 5:34 am, and I know for certain that I will be woken up early tomorr-uh,today. I am having trouble deciding between just staying up or catching two or so hours of sleep. Which would be more painful? Hmm....hmmmmm....hmmmm....hmmmmmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I stayed up 37 hours the past two days. For no other reason other than I stayed up being preoccupied with my dream home plans/furniture/etc. and THEN when my mom got up in the morning, we went to Jerimiah's (mmm, yum) and I drank a lot of coffee. So then I tried to stay up all day, (and I did!) but then I wanted to watch TORCHWOOD:CHILDREN OF EARTH!!! buuuut, they played the previous episode, so I watched The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. BUT THEN, when it was time to watch Torchwood, my mom was still watching something, AND THEN the one at 11:30 was the previous episode AGAIN. SO I stayed up and watched the one at 12:30, but then at 1:30 was the bonus behind the scenes. soooo. the end. I will probably be up late again tonight. but i set my alarm clock to at least 9:30, and I'll try to go to bed after Torchwood comes 2 am again. >_> wutev.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

There must be a devil at the BEE BEE SEE!

(just look in these western eeeeeeyes.)

Okay, enough singing. BUT, this DOES have to do with BBC! How do I love BBC (America), let me count the ways...

ONE: Doctor Who
TWO: Torchwood
FOUR: uh...those ads for BBC America news, where they show Obama. I love that man.
FIVE!: hmm, uh. OH OH! Being Human looks pretty good.
SEVEN:..........okay, so let's just say quality over quantity as far as this list goes.

I just got done watching the first episode in the five part series of Torchwood: Children of Earth. I can't wait until tomorrow.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Twilight vs. Harry Potter

Harry Potter hands down. Shouldn't even be a question.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I now pronounce you...

My friend/neighbor got married this past week, I was the bridesmaid. And I definitely definitely do not want to get married in a long time.

I waaaaant very classic things. Like black and cream as the colors. And big band/frank sinatra kind of music playing. (although I might throw in Tequila and do the Pee Wee Herman dance as my second song, doohoohoo!)

OR I might just get eloped, then demand gifts when I get back.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pumpernickle Bread

I saw mewithoutYou last night. ridiculously awesome. sad news: my sister couldn't get any non-blurry pictures. granted, the camera is somewhat new, but not one picture wasn't understandable with dark room, and lots of lights. BUT, there are settings for that! I am somewhat bitter. But I usually am when I don't get my way. And I also think my intolerance for other people increases when my self esteem decreases. This is a somewhat epiphany as of this moment. I'm a baby.

aaaanyway, it was ridiculously awesome, regardless.

my sister and her camera makes me angsty and unappreciative.

which are kind of two words that explain me a lot, in a sidenote.

anyway, game night! at my cousins. which meeeaaaans: rock band! oh, amoux, you fox.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


(Click for larger picture.)


Today's diet:

heated grapenuts
two lemon bars (main ingrediants: sugar, powdered sugar, butter and eggs)
one nutroll
one bag of knottsberry farms shortbread cookies
one salted soft pretzel
large landfull of peanut m&ms
one fudge brownie
one smoothie
four pieces of pizza
about five pieces of twizzler's licroice
one piece of caramel injected double fudge whipped cream cake with toffee chocolate chips on top.

I think I'm going to die.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hair cont.

Okay, so I am feeling much better about my hair now. For one thing, the other night I put some non-friz hair stuff in it before I went to bed, and bobby-pinned my bangs back, so that in the morning, my bangs stand up more. Plus my sister/brother-in-law/nephews visited, and it felt good for them to say they liked it, since so far I've only heard from my family, (which can't be trusted, since I think they just wanted me to stop moping around). Plus my brother in law wouldn't lie, since he told me my cat was ugly, stinky, and annoying. (My beloved dead cat). I will post pictures of my hair now. I am sure you are all (you, being no one) is hanging on every word of my hair dilema.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I got a haircut today. I have been wanting to get one for a while. i thought I knew what I wanted, and I thought it would be fairly easy to explain. I also thought I did. But the unsure look on the hairdresser's face should have tipped me off. I now look like the girls from the original parent trap. It is very esteem-sucking, and frustrating. It wouldn't be bad if it were fixable, but the problem is that my bangs are too short, not too long. So now I just need to wait it out and try to resist the urge to just buzz cut it all off this second. Also, any possibly cool styles (faux-hawk) require a lot of hair gel, some skill, and someone who could actually pull it off. And I hate sticky hands, have never been good with hair, and am definitly too lame.

I may or may not post pictures later. But for nooooow...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rock Band

Amoux Raphael (my characters name) is the best bass player ever. (Actually, it was my first time playing Rock Band, and I wasn't all that great, but better than I thought.) And if he isn't the best bass player ever, he definitely is the most stylin'!

That is all.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bandits and Mediocrity.

I feel very mediocre. I feel that I will always be mediocre. In every aspect, except the mediocre aspect. I excel at mediocrity. I guess that is an overdramatization. I'm not mediocre at complaining or feeling bad for myself or daydreaming, or crying over injustices of all sorts in the world. All in all, though, I am mediocre.

I get tired of myself in black and white tippity-taps, but not in my mind. Everything sounds better mushed up in my skull.

I think I'll have some mediocre M&Ms now.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hap-hap-happy burfday

To me.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

hello! hola! bonjour!

I wish I was European. Or was married to a European.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lesson of the day.

Don't roll a cat in sidewalk chalk. It leads to cat-baths and soul-crushing yowls.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Today's diet:
Weetabix:good start
Tub of popcorn: uh..
Three slices of pizza: yeah, 'bout that..
Shredded coconut and chocolate chips:...heh.

I made a schedule for exercise though. I most likely won't fulfill it, but hey. It's something.

In other news, Wolverine is ridiculously awesome. I like Sabretooth too. But that's mostly because I like Liev Schroeber. And that's mostly because I liked him in Defiance, because I like Daniel Craig.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


FRIDAY! Can't wait. =D!


Today was a good day.
(I admittedly had a cranky moment, but I, like a small child, get cranky at hunger.)
I had a delicious Cobb sandwich at Ville Bella. This cafe across from campus that makes me want to open a cafe.

Actually, I went to Great Harvest Bread fairly recently, and they had Beatles music playing. Also it was a little tiny Harvest Bread, and I thought I would want to open a cafe that had Beatles playing all the time, but was NOT Beatle themed. On second thought, I think I might just have a Beatle Day. And maybe have some special that was named something Beatle-related.
If that plan fails I'll move to Scotland and live out my TRUE destiny.

Today also was my math final, which I actually think went pretty well. There were some nasty ones towards the end, but win some lose some, I s'pose. Especially since the first several pages I felt pretty confident on. Which it would be great if I could pass that, and have one more math class and then be done. I don't really know what I'll do college-career-life-wise. (oh yeah, cafe/scotland.)

I also went to the library this morning. I really have started to go a lot more often. Admittedly, I am just checking out cds and dvds. That makes me sort of ashamed. I really don't read enough. I just read the same book over and over. If you want something to read, The Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner is really good. JSYK.(even if it is far below my reading, I first read it in junior high, haha)

I really need to get my car's stereo fixed. Speaking of which, can I just tell you I love my car? Well, I do.

The weekend went by way too fast. I think I need to stop rambling and start studying. I am almost positive that those two facts (not studying and rambling) are completely correlated.

Anyway, the rest of my day has consisted of my bath (I take too many. I think I might be slightly addicted to baths. I take them a lot), and shuffling cats in and out. Bossy little furballs.
I feel flabby, fat, and lazy. Blah. If you are still reading this, I applaud you. I am sure it wasn't easy. I promise not to do that again. (at least for a while).

Sunday, April 26, 2009

There's no such thing as a harmless joke.

I like it when my hair is poofy.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I like when my cat snores.

Win some, lose some, fake some.

Bad news: Two finals that determine if I pass or not, an essay which I haven't started and is due next week. I am tired, sore, hungry, and stressed.

Good news: None of that really matters.

I am the decider. I will make my day go how I want it to go. I am going to decide that it is a good day. Internal locus of control. Not external.

Many mistake this as being mature or wise or impressive, or whatnot. But really I am just in a good mood and am saying all of that. If I were not in a good mood I would probably not even bother with that crap, and sulk the day away.

In other news, how many bands have something with The Great Escape in it?
We Are Scientists have a song called The Great Escape. Boys Like Girls (I am sort of embarrassed I know that.)have a song, or maybe album (?). And then today I am watching YouTube videos from the late eighties (possibly early nineties) and this band Blur has an album called The Great Escape.
Speaking of Blur, here's a little trivia for you, which won't be as cool, because it doesn't relate/noonereadsthisanyway. Graham Coxon, formerly of Blur (And apparently they are reuniting) worked on Peter Doherty's solo album, which is funny because I heard of Graham Coxon a long time ago, and then at my Uncle's he was pointing to some girl in a year book that was really cool because she was all into Blur waaaay before they got big. But what's cool about him being on Peter Doherty's solo album is that Peter was in The Libertines, which I recently got all obsessed over. AND the other day I was looking up unique celebrity baby names, and Shannyn Sossamon (she was the girl in A Knight's Tale) named her baby Audio Science. (Which as far as crazy baby names, that takes the cake. Not because it's the craziest, but because it's the coolest). And then! I saw that some song that Graham Coxon wrote called Spectacular, was written after he saw a picture of her. Crazy, no?

So, see? A bunch of stuff that I don't think anyone would be excited over, except me. But that's okay, because this is MY blog after all.

Monday, April 20, 2009

An optimist is the human personification of Spring.

I'm no optimist, but I do love spring!

My garden! Peas, strawberries, and radishes. Soon will be tomatoes and beets as well.

Oh, hewoh.

Easter chalk is the best chalk.

I'm not sure you can see, but Romeo has chalk on him.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Or else.

Don't mess with me when marshmallows are involved.

Monday, April 13, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things!

Ah, a new day, a new blog. Hopefully I will not neglect this blog, as I have with basically every other self-written chronicle. I feel that sometimes I try too hard to make things work. I have an image in my mind of what I want it to be, and somehow I cannot transfer that emotion or thought into anything material, even if it is just words on a screen. Or lead or clay or paint. I don't like that confined feeling of knowing that I will never be able to hold onto that emotion or remember it, outside of my own brain. I suppose, however, that emotions and thoughts are abstract enough that getting something material out of it would take a real artist. And that is something that I definitely am not. Ah well. This is starting my blog rather angsty. Which is ironic since my title does not match the body of this, even though I wrote the title before I wrote any of this.

I think I'll end with saying that I am doing a paper on the "Evils of Disney" (I actually really love Disney, but there are some things that I think they should work on, like say body image for young girls.) Aaanyway, I found these images of REAL evils of Disney (princesses). It made me happy.