Friday, September 11, 2009


I love my English class. I love my English professor. I love England.

Robin Hood, you KNOW I love you. Robin Hood is also English.
Todaaaay, in claaaass, my professor mentioned the Crusades, and talked about how horrible they were. And ROBIN HOOD was IN the crusades! She didn't mention that, but I know it because I watch a fabricated show that takes many liberties with Robin Hood. And the hit-series of the BBC, never ever lie.

Actually, for real, he really did fight in the Holy Land. I googled it. And google ALSO never lies. (it actually is fairly reliable.)

Uuuh, I have nothing more to say, really. OH OH OH, Robin Hood Series Premiere, BBC AMERICA, THIS SATURDAY!!! YUSSSSSS

Today I had coffee. Today is a much better day for it.
Note to self: mornings are less cranky if you have caffeine.


  1. There is a reason that Starbucks does most of their business in the morning hours.
