Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pumpernickle Bread

I saw mewithoutYou last night. ridiculously awesome. sad news: my sister couldn't get any non-blurry pictures. granted, the camera is somewhat new, but not one picture wasn't understandable with dark room, and lots of lights. BUT, there are settings for that! I am somewhat bitter. But I usually am when I don't get my way. And I also think my intolerance for other people increases when my self esteem decreases. This is a somewhat epiphany as of this moment. I'm a baby.

aaaanyway, it was ridiculously awesome, regardless.

my sister and her camera makes me angsty and unappreciative.

which are kind of two words that explain me a lot, in a sidenote.

anyway, game night! at my cousins. which meeeaaaans: rock band! oh, amoux, you fox.

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