Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Commercial World.

I want to live in commercial world. The ones where if you use the right shampoo then you will be beautiful and beautiful men will all hang out and be happy with you in some grassy field.
Or the kinds where if you are wearing the right jeans then some hunk will meet you in the middle of the city in a huge adventure and it'll be super romantic and cute.
OR the ones where if you drink the right alcohol, everybody will love you, and you'll be happy and glamorous.

Curse you commercial writers/designers! >=(


  1. Hey, when you drink alcohol you do meet all the right, wait, wrong people, WRONG people. That is unless you actually WANT to sing silly songs in slurred syllables, having humorous friends fulfil juvinile jocular persuits on your person, and after wasting the weekend washed out and wankered having the hardship of a head-splitting hangover.

  2. I want to sing silly songs in slurred syllables! I want to have humorous friends! I could do without anything else, though.

    But I'll keep the awesome alliteration anyday.

  3. Le gars préféré de NapoleonNovember 23, 2009 at 12:59 AM

    Awesome alliteration is always culled to common conssonance.
