Sunday, September 6, 2009

I am a George McFly.

"I mean, I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection."

I know I a George McFly, however much I wish I were a Eugenides or a Robin Hood. Maybe I have a dash of Robin Hood in me. Maybe a pinch of Zorro, hopefully. I like to think a smidgen of Elizabeth Bennet. I like to think of myself as some sort of Remus Lupin, but I probably fall closer to Neville Longbottom. Not necessarily a bad thing, but probably more accurate, and less exciting. I am probably too much of Emperor Kuzco. He's just there to cover up Neville and George, though. Them and Holly. I am a Holly Golightly. Not the Holly that weaves through her party saying "Dahling" and putting fires out nonchalantly, but the Holly that is going to Brazil, no matter what Fred says. The Holly that calls everyone that's done her wrong Super Rats. I am good at Super Ratting.
I definitely am an Ensign Pulver. Ensign is who stops me from being Napoleon Bonaparte. Not necessarily the power-crazed dictator part. Mostly the brilliant with a ridiculous amount of ambition part. I suppose there are worse things to lack than ambition.

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