Sunday, June 21, 2009


I got a haircut today. I have been wanting to get one for a while. i thought I knew what I wanted, and I thought it would be fairly easy to explain. I also thought I did. But the unsure look on the hairdresser's face should have tipped me off. I now look like the girls from the original parent trap. It is very esteem-sucking, and frustrating. It wouldn't be bad if it were fixable, but the problem is that my bangs are too short, not too long. So now I just need to wait it out and try to resist the urge to just buzz cut it all off this second. Also, any possibly cool styles (faux-hawk) require a lot of hair gel, some skill, and someone who could actually pull it off. And I hate sticky hands, have never been good with hair, and am definitly too lame.

I may or may not post pictures later. But for nooooow...

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