Sunday, September 27, 2009

So you wanna revolution?

Well, you know, everyone wants to change the world.

So I was driving home with my sister and mom, and on the overpass before our exit people always put up messages by sticking plastic cups through the chain-link fence. Usually these messages are "Welcome Home Elder So-and-so", right? And occasionally something like "Take Luck!" or "We love you so-and-so", right? WELL, Saturday evening it said "YOU LIE!" on both sides, because of Congressman whoever who shouted that at President Obama. So, this annoys me slightly, and I say "I want to put up a message." And so my sister and I decided we would put up a message. Not just any message, though. And not a blatant response to "YOU LIE!", but instead, a little message from the Beatles; "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" on one side, and "LET IT BE" on the other.
Problems: Ran out of cups of the right size.
Problem that turned into awesome: We over-bought when we went to get more, so we could write more! We wrote: "FREE YOUR MIND" on the side of LET IT BE.
We kidnapped my friend, Becky, as well.

I think that no matter what, sometimes we all need a reminder to free our minds, let it be, and that all you need is love.

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! It looks like you guys had a blast!
