Monday, January 28, 2013

Indian Food

Indian food is the best! I LOVE it!

+1 Goal

Go to bed before 12:00, preferably 11. Wake up by 9. Also, don't be on the computer right before bed. Do a logic puzzle or read instead. Even if it is just one puzzle or just one chapter.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January Goals Update

I want to have a check-in on my goals every month. This is my 2013 goals update for January.

Maintenance Goals:

1. Exercise. I want to exercise at least 3 times a week. So far I have met that goal since I started. In fact, last week I exercised five times! The exercise that I have not yet started is running and strength training. So far I have only done cycling and yoga. I ran for about 10 (nonconsecutive) minutes, but man. I forget how intense running is. I am hoping that once the snow melts and the inversion clears out I can start running outside. I also need to charge my iPod so that my mind can get absorbed into the music instead of my burning lungs and wobbly legs.

2. Eat better. I have been using the website, and have consistently been under calories. Well, except for the past two days. I'm working on that, though. I also have not eaten out for lunch for a long while. Instead I keep bread and peanut butter and apple sauce in my work drawer.

3. Spend wisely. I am wanting to do better on this. I think so far I have been fine, but the main problem is that I need to get to work on time. Then I can transfer more money over to savings when I get it. So far I only transferred $50 over, when I really should be transferring $100. Part of the problem is that there isn't a distinction within my savings account that says 'emergency' or 'vacation' or 'around-the-house-things-I-want'.

4. Cook more. I haven't really done a ton of this. Not really. I've prepared meals, but putting a tortilla on a skillet and sprinkling shredded cheese over it doesn't really count in my opinion. The last meal I made was the shrimp/coconut/cilantro noodle dish. Maybe I'll make something tonight.

5. Read more. So. I haven't read a book this month. Maybe I'll start reading The Great Gatsby, since that movie is coming out and it's a classic.

6. Study Spanish. I have sort of been MIA with duolingo, which is dumb because it is at your own pace and not that hard. I'll get back on that.

Event Goals:

1. Run 5ks/10ks/half marathon. The problem with this goal is that races are bizarrely expensive. 25 bucks to run 3.2 miles? 30 to run double that? Not sure I can justify spending 55 bucks for 2 races. Maybe I'll create my OWN races.
2. Make my children's books. Nope. Haven't even started.
3. Have a wedding at a reasonable price. Well, so far everything that I've purchased is pretty cheap! Family is helping out and hopefully we can keep it reasonable.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Go away! I got stuck in the driveway this morning and it took me a good 45 minutes to get out. >:(

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Soneto XVII

No te amo como si fueras rosa de sal, topacio
o flecha de claveles que propagan el fuego:
te amo como se aman ciertas cosas oscuras,
secretamente, entre la sombra y el alma.
Te amo como la planta que no florece y lleva
dentro de sí, escondida, la luz de aquellas flores,
y gracias a tu amor vive oscuro en mi cuerpo
el apretado aroma que ascendió de la tierra.
Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo, ni de dónde,
te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo:
así te amo porque no sé amar de otra manera,
sino así de este modo en que no soy ni eres,
tan cerca que tu mano sobre mi pecho es mía,
tan cerca que se cierran tus ojos con mi sueño.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Sad. Cranky. Rejected. Vulnerable. Angry. Insecure. Confused.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Good Weekend

This has been quite the weekend! On Saturday I went to a job interview for a little shop called The Queen Bee. Fingers crossed that I get it! I think I would be really happy working there.

 Also, on Sunday we had a little engagement party with our parents and siblings that was fun because we have never hosted a party and we held it at the apartment. I strung up Christmas lights from the ceiling and we had delicious homemade lasagna, salad, french bread and for dessert we had brownies and Success Cake!

For the first time in a long time I am feeling excited and happy about wedding plans instead of anxious, stressed, overwhelmed and cranky! (elopement, please?)

 Although deciding to have an elopement (although not in the true sense. I think we would send out announcements and it wouldn't be secret or anything) would be so nice. But I feel happy about what we are planning also.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Goals

I have been updating goals that I posted in 2012. But I feel that it would be better to post a more realistic (meaning less ambitious, haha) and more specific goals. Here we go!

Maintenance Goals:

1. Exercise. I want to exercise at least 3 times a week. Either running, strength training, cycling or yoga.  It does not matter what form of exercise, but just some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes. There are free group exercise classes on campus.The classes will give me some wiggle room, since different classes are held everyday. So if I miss one, I can always go to the next.

2. Eat better. This means I want to: a) not eat fast food, b) pack my lunch, c) eat out less, d) drink more water

3. Spend wisely. Every paycheck I want to set aside money for a) emergency fund, b) vacation, c) around-the-house things that I want.

4. Cook more. This will help me achieve goals #2 and #3. Eating better and spending more wisely is easier if I am making my own food.

5. Read more. Read at least one new book every month.

6. Study Spanish. I am using a website called which is similar to how my online Spanish homework was. I have also heard about a meetup group for speaking Spanish, which allows all levels.

Event Goals:

1. Run 5ks/10ks and a 1/2 marathon

2. Make my children's books

3. Have a wedding for a reasonable price!


I am about to ramble, but in list form. Organized rambles! Is that possible?

1. I have a new laptop! I named it Magnus. I really am happy about it.
2. Today I took in my ring because there were a couple of things I wanted changed. (Texture was not quite right and I wanted the hollow areas of the band to be a little more open.) I already feel weird without having it on.
3. I haven't done any of my exercise goals. However! I did buy bread, peanut butter and apple sauce so that when I get super hungry at work I don't resort to going to Burger King. So far I have eaten very well.
4. I didn't think I would like the 11th Doctor, but I have been pleasantly surprised. I still like the 10th Doctor. The last episode I watched was fantastic. (Probably helps that Moffat wrote it.)
5. I got a call to go in for a job interview! I feel cautiously optimistic. I'll update about my job status when I know.

Feeling happy. :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

It's gonna be a good one. :)