Thursday, January 3, 2013


I am about to ramble, but in list form. Organized rambles! Is that possible?

1. I have a new laptop! I named it Magnus. I really am happy about it.
2. Today I took in my ring because there were a couple of things I wanted changed. (Texture was not quite right and I wanted the hollow areas of the band to be a little more open.) I already feel weird without having it on.
3. I haven't done any of my exercise goals. However! I did buy bread, peanut butter and apple sauce so that when I get super hungry at work I don't resort to going to Burger King. So far I have eaten very well.
4. I didn't think I would like the 11th Doctor, but I have been pleasantly surprised. I still like the 10th Doctor. The last episode I watched was fantastic. (Probably helps that Moffat wrote it.)
5. I got a call to go in for a job interview! I feel cautiously optimistic. I'll update about my job status when I know.

Feeling happy. :)

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