Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January Goals Update

I want to have a check-in on my goals every month. This is my 2013 goals update for January.

Maintenance Goals:

1. Exercise. I want to exercise at least 3 times a week. So far I have met that goal since I started. In fact, last week I exercised five times! The exercise that I have not yet started is running and strength training. So far I have only done cycling and yoga. I ran for about 10 (nonconsecutive) minutes, but man. I forget how intense running is. I am hoping that once the snow melts and the inversion clears out I can start running outside. I also need to charge my iPod so that my mind can get absorbed into the music instead of my burning lungs and wobbly legs.

2. Eat better. I have been using the website, and have consistently been under calories. Well, except for the past two days. I'm working on that, though. I also have not eaten out for lunch for a long while. Instead I keep bread and peanut butter and apple sauce in my work drawer.

3. Spend wisely. I am wanting to do better on this. I think so far I have been fine, but the main problem is that I need to get to work on time. Then I can transfer more money over to savings when I get it. So far I only transferred $50 over, when I really should be transferring $100. Part of the problem is that there isn't a distinction within my savings account that says 'emergency' or 'vacation' or 'around-the-house-things-I-want'.

4. Cook more. I haven't really done a ton of this. Not really. I've prepared meals, but putting a tortilla on a skillet and sprinkling shredded cheese over it doesn't really count in my opinion. The last meal I made was the shrimp/coconut/cilantro noodle dish. Maybe I'll make something tonight.

5. Read more. So. I haven't read a book this month. Maybe I'll start reading The Great Gatsby, since that movie is coming out and it's a classic.

6. Study Spanish. I have sort of been MIA with duolingo, which is dumb because it is at your own pace and not that hard. I'll get back on that.

Event Goals:

1. Run 5ks/10ks/half marathon. The problem with this goal is that races are bizarrely expensive. 25 bucks to run 3.2 miles? 30 to run double that? Not sure I can justify spending 55 bucks for 2 races. Maybe I'll create my OWN races.
2. Make my children's books. Nope. Haven't even started.
3. Have a wedding at a reasonable price. Well, so far everything that I've purchased is pretty cheap! Family is helping out and hopefully we can keep it reasonable.


  1. This is an awesome update! Go you!!

  2. Updating on a blog each month is a fantastic way to keep you motivated to complete your goals.

    So, this may sound silly, but my friend Nathan has a goal to budget his money wisely, and so he created a spreadsheet where he can calculate how much money he expects to earn, how much he actually earns, all his monthly expenses (rent, food, fun things, whatever), money to put toward a travel fund, and money to put into savings. He says it really helps him save more money (he's trying to get me tech savvy enough to create one . . . I tell him if he creates me one, then I might use it). Anyways, I thought I'd pass the idea along, because I'm sure that type of thing really does help people who use it, sort of like the calorie counter fitness websites help people who want to get in shape.

    Also, Gatsby is amazing. I love Fitzgerald.

  3. Thanks for the tip Chelsea! I think that is a good way to go. I like, but it is always behind by a week.

    :) I'll go with Gatsby, then.
