Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Goals

I have been updating goals that I posted in 2012. But I feel that it would be better to post a more realistic (meaning less ambitious, haha) and more specific goals. Here we go!

Maintenance Goals:

1. Exercise. I want to exercise at least 3 times a week. Either running, strength training, cycling or yoga.  It does not matter what form of exercise, but just some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes. There are free group exercise classes on campus.The classes will give me some wiggle room, since different classes are held everyday. So if I miss one, I can always go to the next.

2. Eat better. This means I want to: a) not eat fast food, b) pack my lunch, c) eat out less, d) drink more water

3. Spend wisely. Every paycheck I want to set aside money for a) emergency fund, b) vacation, c) around-the-house things that I want.

4. Cook more. This will help me achieve goals #2 and #3. Eating better and spending more wisely is easier if I am making my own food.

5. Read more. Read at least one new book every month.

6. Study Spanish. I am using a website called which is similar to how my online Spanish homework was. I have also heard about a meetup group for speaking Spanish, which allows all levels.

Event Goals:

1. Run 5ks/10ks and a 1/2 marathon

2. Make my children's books

3. Have a wedding for a reasonable price!

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