Saturday, February 5, 2011

Botany, Wolves & Spam

Ugh. Bombed my botany test. That's what I get for not studying enough and barely paying attention in class...and not reading my book. Damn consequences!

But on the plus side, Manchester United (very top of the league) was defeated by Wolverhampton . (very bottom of the league)!

Despite that, I am in one of those strange moods where I am really cheerful, then pessimistic, then happy, then blah. I hate it. I also don't have much more to say. Other than, probably, just post macros, haha. I love pic-spamming. And I can, cause it is my blog, afterall.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture spam! It is always good for a laugh, and that's often necessary when one has comes to realize that homework has been put off for the entire week and now has piled up, and is all due tomorrow, and that you must do it on Sunday if you want to pass...
