Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ten Minutes

I just exercised for the first time in a long time. I really really hope I can keep it up. It is ridiculous how lazy I have gotten. I blame the holidays. And winter....and the universe. And basically anything/one that isn't me. (haha, okay, so maybe I blame me. But it is funner to deflect blame) I only ran for ten minutes, which is pretty pathetic, but I figure I don't really have a deadline or anything, and I don't want to over do it, and then either burn out physically or mentally.

IIIIIII would walk 500 miles and IIIIII would walk 500 more, just to be the girl who walked a 1000 miles...so you could never know about it, but I would feel better about myself, and perhaps be more confident/outgoing? yeah, we'll say that.

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