Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So, I didn't really make new year's resolutions. Well, I sort of did, but nothing "official" or anything. But I decided today that my new goal, for life in general, is to create the life that I want. I see other people, and I realize that I wish I had their life, or their confidence, or their house, or their clothes, and more worldly goods. But I decided firstly, I need to make sure I never stray from simple. Simplicity I think is a big key in happiness. Another thing that I want to work towards, is instead of wanting other people's lives, I want to want MY life. And in order to do that, I have to work to become the person I want to be, and create the life I want to lead. It seems basic, but if it were, I think there would be a lot more happy people in the world.

There are other normal type goals, and they are also important, but that is my main goal. Other goals are things like exercise, eating right, work to maintain my garden this spring, and to try to clean out the house/my room of things that I don't need, and donate them, and to get a job. Also, to try and read and write more, but with school, that can be sort of hard. That is why this summer, I am going to try to not sleep in so much, and to not stay up so late (out of all my goals, this seems the least attainable, to be honest!)

My main goal is going to be a constant struggle, I think, but the main thing is to always keep it on my mind. I always have trouble with making goals and maintaining them, mostly because I forget what I am striving towards, and I just fall back into my old ways. Wish me luck!

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