Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

It is 8:30 am and I have already had a chocolate milk, doughnut and a cliff bar, that is actually way more sugary than I anticipated.

I really need to start eating better. I need to prepare meals in advance so I don't get so hungry that I find gas station food acceptable. I also want to start exercising.

Blah. I have a feeling this will be a lifelong effort.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Interesting site. Sort of like Tumblr mixed with a scrapbook or project book. You basically find pictures you like, but then can create boards to "pin" them to. In this way you sort of get a lot of themed ideas or visuals onto one board. Sometimes they can just be to sort of catalog things you like (more Tumblr-esque) but you can also create boards for architecture, wedding, cooking, interior decorating, etc. plans, so that you can create a sort of snapshot of what you like.

Downside is that for some reason you have to send a request, and then they get back to you like a week later. Not sure why that is, but there you go.

Monday, November 28, 2011

This Christmas

This Christmas it will have to be the thought that counts. I just budgeted everything for this month, including my car loan, the gifts I want to get, and the gifts I've already bought, and it is looking a little thin.


Fantastic Thanksgiving Break!

On Wednesday I left work early and me and Justin went to the brand new Natural History Museum in SLC. It was AWESOME! I highly recommend it. It is extremely well done. Very small (and big) details with the architecture tie everything together. It was impressive and a lot of fun to explore. Then we went to Biaggi's at the Gateway, which I have never been to, and I had a delicious butternut squash ravioli. Justin had a lobster noodle dish with black noodles (Which we later found out was cuddle fish ink. It was kind of unexpected to me, haha). THEN, (and Chelsea, I have to thank you for this) we went to Gourmandise for dessert, where I got a little tinsy bit carried away! I should always remember to just get those french macarroons, they end up being my favorite anyway.

Thursday was Thanksgiving! We first went to Justin's family's Thanksgiving dinner, which was conveniently just down the road and had the bonus of Jaymee's delish brownies, then went to our Thanksgiving dinner, which was also very yummy. (And also conveniently about 3 hours later, otherwise I would have been sick). This year my mom made Success Cake, a Norweigian cake we discovered in Norway this past spring, and really love. Then I worked on my puzzle and later went to Justin's house and played Lego Star Wars on the Wii! It made me really want to watch the movies. (Another thing I have to thank Chelsea for. I have a very distinct memory of sitting on your bed and watching Star Wars on your little TV.)

Friday morning we went and watched The Muppets! It was hilarious, I really loved it. Possibly more than Puss in Boots, I have to say. Then I tried to register my car, but was stupid and forgot my photo I.D because I didn't think we were going to register it after the movie. (And since my mom bought the tickets online, I didn't think I needed my purse. I guess I should get in the habit of always taking my purse everywhere, but, meh.) Then Friday night I went rock climbing with Erin! (see previous post)

Saturday I slept in and was a lazy bum. I then didn't do much else, except in the afternoon I went to the Owens to watch Arsenic & Old Lace, a Cary Grant classic! :)

And now it is Sunday night, and you may have noticed that homework is not mentioned in any of the above days. Because I'm a genius and put everything off until last moment, even when I clearly have plenty of time. Oh well, I'll get by. I did get a little bit of homework done and played Minecraft, then decorated for Christmas at Justin's house. It makes me excited for Christmas and for the end of the semester. I want to do a lot during Christmas break!

Hopefully these next 2 weeks don't kill me.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Rock Climbing!

I will elaborate later because I'm too tired to talk deep thoughts (Just how climbing is a good metaphor for challenges and interesting similarities with how I handle climbing and how I handle life), PLUS I'm playing minecraft (with my honey!) so I'm just going to post these pictures for now.

Sorry for the quality, it is just from my phone and with no natural light.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I'm Ready!

For Thanksgiving!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


After five long months of relying on the charity of my poor mother and boyfriend, I finally have found/have bought (okay, not bought yet, but will on Monday when the banks are open) a car!!!

I can not wait to
A) Not have to ask/get a ride everywhere.
B) Get all the car stuff from my old car that is sitting in my room into the new car.
C) Be able to shop for Christmas gifts without my mom knowing!
D) Leave work without having to wait for my mom. And let her leave work without having to wait for me. (Although I think I'll probably still carpool a fair bit, to be responsible/if our schedules line up)

PLUS, the car I am getting is a wagon type of car, so it will be great for road trips!!! Woohoo!

Here is a picture from the KSL ad.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Puss in Boots


Friday Night

Feeling lonely and angry and bitter and sad and pathetic.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Life Improvement Plan Updated

Wearing insoles to my arch-supportless shoes and wearing my double strap backpack! Yay for taking steps to not wear down my body at the age of 21!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Sometimes I feel like all I do is sit.

I wake up, I get ready and sit in the car to get to work, where I sit. Then I go to class, where I sit some more, return to sitting at work, then sit in the car to go home. And by the time I'm home, I'm so tired I just want to sit.

Stupid. I feel like my body isn't very happy with me these days.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dia de los Muertos

Happy Day of the Dead!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Am I the only 18-24 year old female in Utah who thinks Glee is stupid?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Old Farmhouses

I have always really liked thinking and dreaming of interior designs and architecture designs. Recently, I've been on a farmhouse kick. Here are some cool farmhouses I found while obsessing.

Monday, October 17, 2011


You know something is wrong with you when this picture makes you happy, instead of sad for Spain, who lost their entire country to France. Buaha!

One Lucky Bug

Pretty certain I am one lucky bug!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011


So yesterday I got possibly the coolest letter in the mail. It was a combination of two of my favorite things! 1. Postcards and 2. Puzzles!!!

Kiki, you are the best. Coolest mail ever.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Beef and Cheddar

Romeo and Chester were best buds. I still am having trouble processing that Romeo is gone. I am just glad that it was a calm way to go. :(

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011



Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

X-Men: First Class

I really liked this movie. It is a little more violent than I thought it would be, but I still liked it. I haven't read the comic books, so I maybe am not an expert or anything, but I thought it was really enlightening to see how X-Men formed, and the story line before what we all know. There was also a small bit with Wolverine which I wasn't expecting, and was a nice little treat! It also doesn't hurt that I like James McAvoy as an actor. Magneto is actually sort of a frightening character, even when he is on the good side. I wish things would have worked out so that Magneto and Professor Xavier could have stayed friends. But I don't think there would be the same sort of dynamic if there were two friends fighting evil, instead of two friends set against each other. I also noticed little things that would have started problems in their friendship. For example, when Charles Xavier takes the new x-men, including Erik, to his mansion which will be turned into the school, Erik said something like "You must have had it really hard" or something, that isn't a direct quote. But I think you can see how Erik is noticing the difference between them, and how different his childhood was from his friend. Even though it isn't like Charles had a great childhood. It just was on the opposite end of the spectrum.


I am now 21 and I am feeling great!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Arctic Monkeys show

Yesterday I went to see The Arctic Monkeys (and The Vaccines) sort of last decision, and I am SOOOO glad I did. They were awesome. And I really got into the music and dancing (by dancing, I mostly mean singing and jumping up and down a lot). Here are some pictures. My little camera doesn't do so well with concerts, but we manages to get some good ones. The problem is that there needs to be an action AND an indoor setting. Maybe firework setting would work? Actually, no, I think it would just have a super long exposure time and then it would just be blurry. Ah, well. We also got some good video, but since that takes so long to upload, these pictures will have to do. I love them. So much.

I'm making one of these my desktop.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


A viking ship at a museum in Oslo.

Kitty! This was carved into a sled.

I took this on the train from Oslo to Kristiansand.

Me and my mom hiked to a place called Pulpit Rock. (Preikestolen) It was a pretty long hike, but well worth it. Here my mom is freaking me out. It really is safe, but the picture makes it seem less safe than it is.

And here she is pretending to be rolling off. I failed to find this funny as I lost five years of my life due to pure fear.

This is our "We made it!" picture.

The cliff overlooks a fjord. You can choose to take a cruise to see Pulpit rock, or you can hike the trail to pulpit rock. We chose to hike it, and I'm glad we did. Although there was a not-so-fun part, which is that I got a tick, somehow. My mom had to pull it out with tweezers. Luckily, it was easy to pull out and wasn't full of blood. It still creeped/creeps me out. Blech!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Note to self...

Note to self: Write better notes to self. Ones that don't ever include the word "exercise" in them.

Lungs, burning. Pits, stinky. Limbs, shaky.

But seriously, it is more like note to self: follow note to self much, much, much more diligently.