Friday, August 26, 2011

Beef and Cheddar

Romeo and Chester were best buds. I still am having trouble processing that Romeo is gone. I am just glad that it was a calm way to go. :(


  1. Just think, he lived a long, good life. Think of all the times he sat on your homework and distracted you, and smile. My guess is that he would want that, just like I know Butterfly'd want that for me. That, and just think, you have a new white kitten to get to know and enjoy! Think of the good, and it'll help you get through it easier.

  2. I'll miss that big-o'l lug'o'love :( I agree that it seems weird he won't just be there, willing to over-cuddle at the slightest opportunity. Our kitty society will have a changing of the guard, and maybe cheesey-pants will learn to play with everyone. :)
