Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Elementary, my dear Watson.

So, I am posting this somewhat late, but after a Robert Downey Jr. Youtube marathon, I decided it is about time I post about Sherlock Holmes, even though I saw it a couple of days after Christmas.
One word: AWESOME.
It was really good. I think something that I think is portrayed in the commercials and trailers for Sherlock Holmes, is that it is a funny/light movie. It is funny at times, but on the whole, the funny can be outweighed by the dark. There are intense scenes. But nothing too gory. It is PG-13, not R. Something that I really liked about it, is that it was the typical "Holmes is super smart, and Watson is comical relief/a bit dull". They made sure to make Watson a legitimate character.

Also, a bit of book trivia, which I didn't know. Watson is a war veteran from the anglo-afghan war in Afghanistan in 1842. A bit ironic, eh?


  1. I loved that show. They did a good job portraying things close to the book on the characters. Watson always has to pull Holmes out of either his room or drug houses. Holmes hyper-focuses on really strange things. I love it. I saw it twice. Once on Christmas Day and then at the beginning of this week.

  2. Gah! I still want to see it again. I now also want to read the books. My mom has read some books, and she would point out things in the movie that was straight from the book, like his watch (?) or something.

    I think another thing that they did a really good job on was the scenery and showing that victorian era london. I thought that was awesome.

  3. oh, and I have to add, one of my favorite parts:
    watson: "ugh, get that out of my face"
    holmes: "it's not in your face, it's in my hand"
    watson: "get what's in your hand out of my face!"
