Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Okay, so that movie Avatar keeps getting all these huge award nominations. But, um. It looks like crap. It looks like a lot of special effects with a cheesy, obnoxiously predictable, really gag-worthy lines all mixed up with not-very-subtle messages about the environment. (which I am all for messages for action to save/help the environment, but uh, how about you donate all the bajillion dollars you are making from the box office to some environmental causes? Just a suggestion.)

Anyway, MAYBE I am wrong? Has anyone seen it to prove me wrong? It just seems like a lot of "wow" effect, but with a crappy plotline. Am I right?


  1. Napoleon's Secong Biggest FanJanuary 16, 2010 at 6:25 PM

    Meh, only two movies I've seen really lived up to the hype: Shrek & Star Trek (funny how I never relized until now that they both sound so much alike). I was hearing all sorts of things from people in the faculty lounge about how great Avatar is, and that everyone just has to see it. But, these were the same people who were saying the show "CSI: Miami" was so great; that has got to be one of the worst written, worst produced, worst directed, worst acted shows I've ever seen.

    I think you're right about the political statement thing: put your money where your mouth is. I also hate that hollywierd keeps putting out the same format racist film: native people don't know how to defend themselves, and are doomed until some white dude comes and saves them.

  2. I LOVED Avatar, Megs. It was sooo good. I thought it would just be Hollywood junk, but it had a really good plot... also, the native people do know how to defend themselves, and they try, but when you have an indigenous people who don't have the same technology, they're generally going to need some help to win. They don't have anything the other guys have in the movie and they win (well, I guess they have a helicopter and they commandeer guns). It was well worth my money to go see, and you know I don't just go saying that about every movie.
