Monday, September 28, 2009


It's already back to "YOU LIE!"


Sunday, September 27, 2009

So you wanna revolution?

Well, you know, everyone wants to change the world.

So I was driving home with my sister and mom, and on the overpass before our exit people always put up messages by sticking plastic cups through the chain-link fence. Usually these messages are "Welcome Home Elder So-and-so", right? And occasionally something like "Take Luck!" or "We love you so-and-so", right? WELL, Saturday evening it said "YOU LIE!" on both sides, because of Congressman whoever who shouted that at President Obama. So, this annoys me slightly, and I say "I want to put up a message." And so my sister and I decided we would put up a message. Not just any message, though. And not a blatant response to "YOU LIE!", but instead, a little message from the Beatles; "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" on one side, and "LET IT BE" on the other.
Problems: Ran out of cups of the right size.
Problem that turned into awesome: We over-bought when we went to get more, so we could write more! We wrote: "FREE YOUR MIND" on the side of LET IT BE.
We kidnapped my friend, Becky, as well.

I think that no matter what, sometimes we all need a reminder to free our minds, let it be, and that all you need is love.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just sayin'.

Teenage boys are probably jealous that they can't grow their face hair like I can grow my armpit hair.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I love my English class. I love my English professor. I love England.

Robin Hood, you KNOW I love you. Robin Hood is also English.
Todaaaay, in claaaass, my professor mentioned the Crusades, and talked about how horrible they were. And ROBIN HOOD was IN the crusades! She didn't mention that, but I know it because I watch a fabricated show that takes many liberties with Robin Hood. And the hit-series of the BBC, never ever lie.

Actually, for real, he really did fight in the Holy Land. I googled it. And google ALSO never lies. (it actually is fairly reliable.)

Uuuh, I have nothing more to say, really. OH OH OH, Robin Hood Series Premiere, BBC AMERICA, THIS SATURDAY!!! YUSSSSSS

Today I had coffee. Today is a much better day for it.
Note to self: mornings are less cranky if you have caffeine.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Last night I went to a Taking Back Sunday/Blink 182 concert. Blink 182 were, as expected, very profane, but it was still fun. The light show was what was most amazing. AND OF COURSE, TAKING BACK SUNDAY was awesome. Here is a sort of crappy picture of the show. Imagine a lot better light show!
(click on pictures to view full size)

Okay, so you can't see it with perfect clarity, BUT that UFO looking thing? THAT IS TRAVIS BARKER PLAYING DRUMS. THAT IS A DRUM SET! His set lifted off the ground, then went to one side, and to another, AND THEN STARTED SPINNING, all while he was playing furiously, with no fault. That was probably the highlight.

Oh hewoh taking back.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I am a George McFly.

"I mean, I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection."

I know I a George McFly, however much I wish I were a Eugenides or a Robin Hood. Maybe I have a dash of Robin Hood in me. Maybe a pinch of Zorro, hopefully. I like to think a smidgen of Elizabeth Bennet. I like to think of myself as some sort of Remus Lupin, but I probably fall closer to Neville Longbottom. Not necessarily a bad thing, but probably more accurate, and less exciting. I am probably too much of Emperor Kuzco. He's just there to cover up Neville and George, though. Them and Holly. I am a Holly Golightly. Not the Holly that weaves through her party saying "Dahling" and putting fires out nonchalantly, but the Holly that is going to Brazil, no matter what Fred says. The Holly that calls everyone that's done her wrong Super Rats. I am good at Super Ratting.
I definitely am an Ensign Pulver. Ensign is who stops me from being Napoleon Bonaparte. Not necessarily the power-crazed dictator part. Mostly the brilliant with a ridiculous amount of ambition part. I suppose there are worse things to lack than ambition.