Monday, January 30, 2012


So. I bought a car not too long ago. I have a loan on it. The credit union and I agreed that we would have the loan payment each month come out of my payroll, since I work at the same place as the credit union is associated with.
I've been making extra payments on the loan, as well, just to get ahead and to gain some credit and pay less interest.
Well, I was looking at my loan today and I thought 'Something doesn't seem right.'

So I call the credit union, and they didn't complete setting up the payroll payment system. So not only have I been paying extra interest (it may only be like 10 bucks, who knows. I don't. but it is still annoying) BUT, I am not as far ahead as I thought. It doesn't exactly make me feel super confident that they not only said they would set it up and didn't do it correctly, but didn't even catch it.

SO frustrating. You know, if you're going to be dealing with people's money, you sure as hell better be doing your job right.


  1. That would be so frustrating. I hate when people assure you that things will get done and they don't even finish what they started. It makes me want to kick them.

    1. hahah, it makes me want to kick them too! very annoying.
