Saturday, December 18, 2010


This is the backside of the temple that my grandparents are serving their mission at.

There are bikes like this everywhere, and I really want one! I took this picture in hopes of replicating it with one of the old bikes we have laying around. It looks really simple, the main problem is the cart part. Still, I am sure it is do-able.

This is called a cenote, (seh-noh-tay). It is actually a large sink-hole. There are no lakes or rivers in this part of Mexico, except for these geological phenomenon. The edge around this is actually a shelf, because the water is under the land that I was standing on to take this picture. It is really shallow in one end, and then just drops very steep. This is on the site of a Maya ruin. On Sundays the Maya go there and swim. It is only open to the Maya, because it is their land, after all. This was at a site called Dzibilchaltun. (D'z'beel-chal-toon. The D, Z, B sound are all sort of smooshed together). Last time we were in Mexico, we went to Uxmal (Oosh-mall), which I really liked, except 1. It was super, ridiculously hot and muggy and I was sweating like a pig. And 2. It was overrun with tourists. At Dzibilchaltun, which is admittedly smaller, we were the ONLY ones there. It made it feel so much more serene and sort of MORE awe-inspiring, because you aren't distracted. Although it was really hot, it wasn't humid, which is the kind of heat that I don't do well in.
We also drove out to the coast. This is a little town called Telchac Puerto, where we ate lunch (superb food, that was really cheap and really delicious, and oh man, I really want deep fried plantain for the rest of my life.) This is a picture o fmy mom and my grandma out on the pier. This town was not very busy at all, and it is definitely not tourist, which is always obnoxious to get caught in.

This is the path to the temple at Dzibilcaltun. I will now let wikipedia talk:
The most famous structure is the
Temple Of The Seven Dolls, so named because of seven small effigies found at the site when the temple was discovered under the ruins of a later temple pyramid by archaeologists in the 1950s. On the Spring equinox, the sun rises so that it shines directly through one window of the temple and out the other. The temple is connected to the rest of the site by a or "white road," so-called because they were originally coated with white limestone, built over stone-and-rubble fill.

So, there is a tiny little sample of our vacation here in Mexico! More pictures soon!

Friday, December 10, 2010


I feel like I need a better hiding place from the world.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Upcoming Movies

Now that I am (almost) done with school, I have been craving movies. I recently saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.1, and have been wanting to fill the hole that has been left by the lack of the instant Pt.2. These are upcoming movies that I want to go see.

The King's Speech

I love period movies. I love the british. I love history. Enough said, really.

The Eagle

Okay, I have mixed feelings about this one. I don't think it looks AMAZING, (although I've made that judgement before, and was very pleasantly surprised.) I am most interested because of Jamie Bell, haha. (also, I am hoping there is something 'The Thief'-ish about it.) AND, they travel to the Highlands of Scotland!

The Dark Knight Rises-(Potentially unofficial trailer. Can't quite tell.)

This kind of goes without saying.

Chronicles of Narnia

Okay. So maybe this movie should be too young for me. But wutevs.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I feel like I can't trust anyone.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Disappointing Blizzard

Argh. The blizzard has let me down. I really wanted it to be bad enough that classes were canceled tomorrow and I wouldn't have to take my ethnobotany test. I don't think it will be closed. Oh well. Maybe it is better. It will get it out of the way for the rest of the weekend, which is going to be packed with homework anyway. Grr.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Usually Sundays stress me out. They come too fast, and I can never enjoy them because all day long I just keep thinking "tomorrow is monday, monday means school, school means due dates, due dates means that I have to actually have my homework finished. homework being finished means that I needed to have started two weeks ago when it was assigned, and not tonight. damn it." BUT Today has been good. I slept in, checked EPL scores (Liverpool won 2-0 to Chelsea! Torres scored both goals, which is awesome because he was getting a lot of critisism for not "being on form" or "not focused" or whatever), ALSO, someone on Polyvore, who is from Serbia, liked some of my sets! I went on a walk in the back pasture, with the cats following me, and kicked around my soccer ball (I have been really missing soccer a lot, lately. I am mad and kind of resentful that I ever had to quit. Ignore this angsty part, though, because this post is about the GOOD day I had) I went to dinner with my mom to Rooster's and got Margarita pizza and bread pudding, (mmm!) worked on my art project (thanks to my uncle, Mike) and I finally finished my two reports. Ahh, since when did not sleeping til two and then sitting on the computer all day feel so good? Oh? always? Whoops. I ought to try it more often.

Here is the next phase of my Zapata project. It need a bit more red, but the process is actually a lot more complicated/frustrating than it might seem, so that will have to wait.

edit: I just barely tried with making the hair and moustache red, what do you guys think? In one way, I like that it has more red. (I like red white and green, because they are the colors of the Mexican flag), but at the same time, with JUST red and green, it sort of seems Christmas-y. Opinions?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Emilano Zapata

This is my art assignment. It is only one of multiple portraits we have to do. Next, I need to add a color, then the next assignment is to add two additional colors, and then to add a pattern. I'll update with those, when I finish them. if I finish them.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Recently my motivation/focus on school has reached an all time low. It is beginning to become ridiculous. Sometimes I wonder if I have ADD, and then realize that I can focus plenty on what I WANT to focus on. I just can't tear myself away from the computer. The problem is that some of my classes require the internet, but once I get on, I go on auto-pilot and can't tear myself away from the multiple distractions of my actual interests. Ugh. I need to get it together. But in the meantime, I think I'll just have another bowl of cereal, post this, and then probably go to bed at 3 in the morning, after doing zero homework and getting carpal tunnel and ever worse posture than I already have.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Polyvore 2

This is my Robin Hood outfit. I am kind of addicted to this website.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I recently found a really cool site called Polyvore.
It is a website where you can create outfits. I have only created one so far, but plan to create much more. There are tons of designer clothing items in a data-bank, and you basically just find all the pieces you want, and that creates a set. Then you can create multiple sets, to create a collection. It is a lot of fun! My first creation is here: It is sort of semi-costume-y, but I like it. I sort of like outfits that seem costume-y. But maybe that's just because I love dressing up. This one, obviously, is Little Red Riding Hood. On the site, people sort of overlap their clothing items, but I kind of like it spaced out more. Anyway, y'all should get on there, create an account (super fast and free), and make some outfits! We can share, it'll be cool. =)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Union Jack

This is an assignment I finished this morning at 3:30. We are supposed to pick an object, and then pick small pictures to make up the large object, using photoshop.
The requirements were:
-No Illustrations.
-No Black and White
-Preferably make the edges sort of blur. Don't make the edges very straight and literal.
-12x12, meaning 144 images
-No altering colors
My professor said it should've taken about 15 hours, but when I counted up how much time it took me, it was about 30. =(! But in the end, I think it was worth it. Of course, I chose to do the good ol' Union Jack.

edit: Trick- while looking at the screen, step away from the moniter about three steps, and you can see it clearer.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Geography Assignment

So in my Geography class we can get extra credit for watching a foreign film, or a film about the foreign place we are studying. This unit we are studying Middle America, which includes Mexico and the Caribbean Islands. Soooooo, do you think I could watch Pirates of the Caribbean for my project? What about Nacho Libre? Perhaps The Road to El Dorado? Eh? Any takers?

Monday, September 20, 2010


She will never learn. (Perhaps she has forgotten this?)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Music Blog

I have a new blog. I have transferred all of my music posts over to it, where I will now post anything music-related. The link is there is also a link to the right, above the About Me, to the new blog.
To kick off this new blog (and also explain it's name) I wanted to share this last video here.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend + Thistle & Weeds

I should have gotten waaaay more homework done this weekend than I did. But I DID get to eat peanut-butter cookies, and had delicious lasagna, and went for a nine mile bike ride with my sister. (Which is a lot for me.) This is our triumphant picture once we got back.

And here is the belated music weekend post: Mumford & Sons

Side note: I am considering having a branch-off blog for all of my music. (possibly another for all the Haaays) Opinions on that? In one sense, I kind of liking everything in one place, in the other I sometimes think that this blog just gets weighed down with videos. Hmmm.

Oh, ALSO! This is the 100th post! Whoo!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Damn BBC

Took my videos down. I need to lead a revolt. They took away Robin Hood, they killed Ianto, and now they denied me The Libertines. REVOLT! REVOLT! Stupid BBC, well I have a message for you! You can't treat us like we don't exist.

(I am actually more annoyed than this post might indicate. But I can't help it when it comes to the Newsies. I'm going to be late to class for posting this, but it'll be worth it to be singing this song for the next week.)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh Sweet Youtube

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Number one: You don't have area restrictions on your content due to me not living in the UK. Need I say more?

And now, please let me present to you a little sampling of:

Horrorshow. Can you understand the lyrics? Not really. Does it matter? Not really!

Boys in the Band

What Katie Did

Saturday, August 28, 2010

BBC Angst

I have had the Reading and Leeds festival marked on my calender since April. This is the festival that The Libertines are reforming at. And what happens when the date FINALLY comes around? The stupid BBC site won't work. Because I don't live in the UK. Oh, sure, it works for about a dozen OTHER bands, for about three songs, but it won't play the full set of any one band, unless you are watching BBC Three. And BBC won't work. I want to cry. The Libertines are quite possibly one of my very favorite bands. I have both of their cds, imported from the UK, I have about 100 songs that are JUST demos, live performances, bootlegs, and unreleased tracks. Not only that but I have both Babyshambles records bought, along with Pete Doherty's solo album. I also have Carl Barat's compilation mixed cd, and plan to get his solo album. I also bought two shirts. I LOVE this band. I know the secrets and gossip and history of them. AND ALL I WAS ASKING was to see their reformation gig. I don't think this is too much to ask for, ESPECIALLY because it is being broadcast onto television there. It isn't like a little festival that doesn't have enormous cameras and cranes and publicity. Blah. I'm going to go eat a lot of Nutella and probably ignore my homework even more.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I am so drained. It is only the third day of school and I want to sleep for a whole week. I thought I was prepared for school again, but I'm not. I want summer back. I don't want homework. I don't want to be on campus for a stupid ten hours tomorrow. I don't want to read 80 pages of geography homework plus whatever will be assigned tomorrow. I don't want to do three entire math assignments every other day. I don't want to paint and be frustrated that I can't get the colors mixed just right. I don't want to be a responsible student!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ocean Breathes Salty

I have sort of been slacking on posting anything for a while. This is the last day of summer. I am welcoming the structure. However I can't help but feel some stress and anxiety. I feel like I wasted a lot of the summer. It sneaked past pretty quickly. These are the times that I feel sort of pathetic. I don't ever accomplish as much as I want during the summer. -sigh- Hopefully I can pull myself together during the school year and accomplish the things I should have this summer.
Ah, well. I decided to go with one of my favorite songs and favorite music videos.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We Are Scientists-centric Post Extravaganza!

Last night I saw We Are Scientists at Kilby Court. It was quite possibly the best shows I have ever been to. The warm up acts were awesome. I was worried that W.A.S would play a lot of their new album, which I don't know as much about, but I was pleasantly surprised that I knew several of the songs they played that were new. They were really funny, and very genuine. I am kind of in love with them all over again. WHICH IS WHY! I am going to make this into a W.A.S fest, complete with HAAAY worthy pictures, music videos, interviews and some pictures and video from last night!

edit: videos from the show will be added shortly.

A classic W.A.S interview.

Chick Lit

We Are Scientists | MySpace Music Videos
From their second album, Brain Thrust Mastery.

My thoughts at this moment: 'omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg'

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Good Day

Today was really good. To be honest, it was kind of the first good day in a long time. Not that I consistently have bad days. But I felt happy, and I stayed happy. It actually sort of started last night, about 2 am. (Well, okay, I guess that would be this morning) It started raining, and there was some thunder and lightening. But it wasn't very cloudy. I went out and stood on the front porch and saw stars, while it was raining. It was very pleasant. There is a little kitten from across the street that got left out, and was crying, so I tried to get it, to try and calm it down and maybe give it some food and water, but it didn't work. But! I did basically just walk in the road barefoot, at 2 am, and look at the stars, and smell the fresh rain, with my army of cats swarming me. (I quickly left the road. I hate when the cats get close.) I also saw (and was startled by) a great big toad. I haven't seen toads or frogs for so long, it feels like. Anyway, the next day I got to sleep in, then me and my sister decided that we didn't really have a plan, but that we wanted to do something. So we went to 7-11 and I got an iced coffee and cake donut, and my sister got a slurpee and pringles. We then decided to go and get my car washed, since I have a free sticker coupon. While there we thought we would go get frozen yogurt at Frogurt, that we have never been to. That is over by Bed, Bath & Beyond, which my sis wanted to get these plastic ice cubes that you can reuse for her friend Andy. While there I bought her those whisks that have rubbery coating on them. (I forget what they are called). Annoyingly, Frogurt was closed. (Our original plan was to go to Zeppe's, they were also closed. Then we thought we would go to Boone's to get Frazils mixed with softserve, but they were also closed. Grr). It was SO hot, though, so we decided to go to Wal-Mart and get a kiddie-pool, and sit in our backyard and cool off. We did this, and it was awesome. And also, I finally was able to catch the kitten, probably because it was so exhausted from being left out, and yowling, and being so hot. Poor thing. Also, my sister made really yummy pancakes for dinner AND, my cousin dropped by, which was really nice. Then when my cousin and sister and dad left, I decided to work on crossing something off of my To-Do-List. I chose cleaning the barn. So I moved all of the old bikes out, and piled up all of the random wood posts, and all of the random PVC pipes, and then swept up. There kind of isn't much I can do, because there is really large farm equipment, and not very much stuff to organize. Everything is big and icky. But it was nice to at least do SOMETHING. And sweeping made it look nice fairly quickly. Then me and my mom went to Wendy's and got their blended frosties. I got Oreo. I like Oreo and Coffee Toffee the best. When we got back I went on a bike ride with Chelsea, but the mosquitos were having a feast on my legs, so we went back and exercised in her dance studio. It remotivated me to get my act together. We made plans for tomorrow, to go see Inception, which I've heard it really good. And to also exercise again. I also plan on taking those bikes in. It will be nice to get rid of some of the junk we have. Then, when I checked my facebook, this kid, Chad Laws, who works at Hoagie's Corner (I have a job interview with them at 10 tomorrow) mentioned that his boss was concerned about my school schedule. So I decided I better make sure to take my schedule, to see if we could work it out. (Assuming that I get the job.) But in checking my schedule, I dropped the psychology class I was going to take, because it isn't being taught by the professor it originally listed, and instead I am taking a Geography class! People and Places, it is called. It actually works better with my schedule, too. Because before I had an hour between class (which is actually kind of nice, but it might be burdensome for work), and now it is right after my botany class. (I might have to skeedaddle to class, but luckily it is downhill from the Lindlecture Hall to the Psychology Building.) Anyway, that makes me very happy. It also makes me happy that I already have a friend at Hoagies, (again, IF I get it. but, well, c'mon! please?) I am content. It was a goooood day!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010


I know this is now old news, but...SPAIN WON THE WORLD CUP!!!
Let's see some highlights:

De Jong only got a yellow card, but everyone agrees; it should have been red.

This is an aerial shot of Madrid, when the team got back to Spain. That red bus is the Spain team!


Now maybe my blogging will get back to normal, now that I'm not distracted. I missed several music-weekends, whoops!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Horn of Helm Hammerland

Yes, that is right. I am not going to stray from my World Cup fever until it is over. (And even then I can't guarantee anything.) This is what happens when two obsessions collide. Let me introduce to you Lord of the Rings meets the most obnoxious instrument in the world.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Goal! England

Ah, I've neglected my weekend video slighty, most likely to due with FIFA. (that's my excuse anyway). So what better way to infuse my two loves, and have a nice FIFA World Cup song entry (or joke?), by one of my favorite bands, We Are Scientists!

(This isn't my typical video. I have stuck to either official videos, or high definition live performances. But this is a special occasion!)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010



I just tried to post an ENORMOUS post on here. I had been writing it for the past half hour, at least. And what happens? Error. It logged me out, made me sign back in. I signed in, it had lost everything. I thought "No problem. It automatically saves it in drafts." So, of course, I check in drafts. Not there.

I am not sure I am able to express my anger.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am now officially two decades old.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Another Bag of Bones


My friend Brandon got back from his mission to Brazil yesterday. I am happy he is home, but I have to admit, it makes me feel more aware of how little has changed with me since he left. In one way, I have changed a lot, and probably not for the better due to eh, I would say emotional hardships. But at the same time, when he asks "so, what's going on in your life?" all I can say is "um, well. I'm still going to school, but I don't know what for. and I don't have a job, but that will hopefully change soon." which BASICALLY is exactly the same thing that was going on two years ago. I still don't have any direction in life. I will admit that when I am around Brandon, who is super smart on top of being really talented at multiple things, that I feel pathetic as it is. I am not really good at any one thing. I like guitar, but I'm not good at it. I like art, but I'm not good at it. I like learning, but I feel that I learn a lot, and forget most of it anyway. I like the outdoors, but I'm not athletic or active. I like books, but I don't read enough to be impressive or to seem cultured. All of those things are sort of the pre-existing pathetic-feeling. But THEN, on top of that, I don't have any direction. It is one thing to be talentless and boring. It is another that I basically don't contribute anything to society. Oh? You've learned a new language, have probably tons of self-discovery, and been doing God's work? Well, I don't know what I want to do with my life, and I don't have a job. Basically, nothing has changed in two years. Impressed?
It's not like I just want to impress Brandon. It's that it makes me realize even more (because believe me, I was well aware before) that I am just not that interesting or impressive. I don't think the kind of guy that I would want would be the kind that would want someone who is as useless as me.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Facebook Angst

Sometimes I feel like I am being mocked with people's status updates. I know it is just me being over-sensitive and bitter. But really? I am sooo sick of hearing about fun parties, and wedding preparations, and how cute or sweet or adorable people's boyfriends/fiances/husbands are.

(sigh) I think I have just been having a lot of single-angst. But really, when I find my someone I will do all of my single friends (if I still have any single friends) a favor, and never brag about them in every single status update. Good greif.

Okay, angst-post over.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Summer Plans

I've decided that I should try to organize my plans for this summer. There are always things that I want to do, but I never get around to. Or things that I wish I knew about, but also never seek out. This summer I am seeking to better myself. So I made a grand list of things I want to accomplish. Some are just around-the-house sorts of things that are more like summer projects. Other are habits that I want to form, in order to become more of the person I want to be.
I have bolded & italicized the things that I want to become habits.

(In no particular order)

1. Weed and finish planting garden
2. Re-stain tree house
3. Re-cover patio chairs
4. Clean up patio
5. Finish awning for cat apartments
6. Make my own clothes (t-shirts, dress?)
7. Fix bikes
8. Trade in old bikes
9. Bike more
10.Go to Yoga classes
11.Run consistently
12.Begin learning French. I have been inspired by my recent trip.
13.Brush up my admittedly pathetic Spanish
14.Make reading list. I want to have a constant reading list that I am adding to and crossing off books all the time.
15.Finish sewing projects
16.Complete house clean-out
17.Put up hammock from Mexico
18.Clean out barn
19.Put up small fence by barn
20.Put up fence by tree house
21.Organize photos
22.Make travel book
23.Organize awards
24.Do more art
25.Learn more cooking
26.Put together recipe book
27.Get a job.
28.Eat healthier
29.Reteach myself European and American history, as well as world geography.
30.Continue to teach myself guitar

I think this ought to keep me busy this summer. Hopefully I can stick to the more motivational-driven items from this list!


Sunday, May 9, 2010


Happy Mother's Day. I love you, Mom.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Die By The Drop

In celebration of The Dead Weather's new album, Sea of Cowards, coming out May 10th.

By the way, do you recognize the girl? That's Alison Mosshart!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dee-lish! (1)

I decided that along with the Weekend-Music-Videos I am going to also post delicious local places to eat! This was inspired by my RIDICULOUSLY strong cravings for French pastries. All thanks to our first "Dee-lish" posting feature, Gourmandise. (Which is thanks to my friend, Kiki.)

Gourmandise is not only a bakery/pastry shop, it is also a resturaunt. I have not had the pleasure of eating lunch or dinner there, but based soley on one strawberry-kiwi tart, I can almost guarantee you it would be amazing. Bonus about Gourmandise is that it is decently priced.

Gourmandise is located on 250 South 300 East, SLC.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010


Get well soon, buddy.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! Plant a tree, clean up litter, walk or bike instead of driving. Use mass transport. Turn off lights, turn off water, replace inefficient light bulbs.It's not hard! The little things add up.
I plan on planting vegetables tomorrow in my garden. I am happy about it, too. I love you, Mother Nature!

Summer Movies

I am way excited about the new Iron Man 2 movie! I have to admit, I am a bit nervous, because sequels always have a LOT of potential to be inferior to the first. (Pirate of the Caribbean, Star Wars,(although Star Wars redeemed itself) Indiana Jones, etc.) But, I think it will probably be pretty good, anyway.

Also, I have torn feelings about this, BUT, there is a new Robin Hood movie coming out with Russell Crowe. I have mixed feelings because I LOVE Robin Hood, but I am also a dedicated BBC Robin Hood fan, so I don't want to betray my beloved BBC.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010


I'm resigning to the future.
It's a beautiful friday afternoon, and I am going to sleep off the overwhelming feeling that I am stuck in miserable, lonely, restless time. When I come back to the living world please don't remind me that it was all for waste.

Wake me up when I've slept off my fears of drugs, or something.

Edit: Apparently you can also wake me up with the offer of soft-serve ice-cream. Angst bomb; neutralized.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Likely Lads


Saturday, April 10, 2010


I know, I know, I probably post waaaay too much. But I can't help myself. If I find something I like, I instantly think "I should put that on my blog!" Enjoy:


Oh, Peter. I thought I couldn't love you more, until I found out you have like 15 cats.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cape Canaveral

First off, Happy Easter! Today it has been confirmed that I am allergic to bunnies. Quite fitting to find this out on Easter. From now on, I know that bunnies=rash, itching, coughing, runny nose, and swollen eyes. Luckily, today I got off easy with just one swollen eye, which is the best of all of those. At least it's not cats! That would be tragic.

ANYWAY, on to the music video of the weekend!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Can't Stand Me Now

BREAKING NEWS. As of 9 hours ago, it has been announced that THE LIBERTINES ARE REUNITING FOR READING & LEEDS FESTIVALS in 2010! Not only are they reunited, they are HEADLINING! It has been six long, miserable years since they last played together.

I AM NOT SURE I CAN EXPRESS HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. I never thought it would actually happen. (to be fair, I probably shouldn't get my hopes up too much, seeing as Pete Doherty may be serving another stint in jail) NOT THE POINT. The point is, is that quite possibly my favorite band is reuniting. Oh! I know the stories! I know the history! I know the demos and the singles and the unreleased tracks! I know the drama! HOLY CRAP I MIGHT DIE. AND, it is a FULL reunion. All original members!

Granted, they are reportedly being paid 1.5 million pounds and they aren't actually reuniting for real, or to make an album, and they will probably just play the big songs, and I won't actually be there, and they might just be doing it to pay off debts they accumulated on drugs, and they might never play together again...I'm bumming myself out now.

edit: I just watched a short clip of an interview with them, AND it seems that they are just as excited and seem genuine about it. Which, I know that Carl Barat (one of the frontmen) has said before that if they reunite, it has to be for the right reasons. And he has turned down huge monetary offers before. AND, he has also postponed reunited since 2008/09. SO, that gives me back some hope.

Here is some Libertines at their best and worst. It is sort of a painful music video to watch, in terms of that song was basically documenting the eventual break up of the band. (sigh), oh, Libertines, how I love thee.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jon Stewart being EPIC, as usual.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Conservative Libertarian
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform

edit: Oh, umm, sorry about the naughty parts. >_> I forgot about those.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Fox, The Crow, & The Cookie.

I almost forgot about the music weekend! Luckily I am on spring break, so it is still technically a weekend for me. Doohoohoo!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscar Follow-Up 1,2,3.

1. I was hoping Sherlock Holmes would win for best soundtrack. If it didn't win, I hoped that The Fantastic Mr. Fox would win. If Fantastic Mr. Fox didn't win, I suppose UP would be okay. So Meh, alright, UP is good. It really was very good music, I think I'm just still hyped up about Sherlock Holmes. Plus, I got the soundtrack, so I know all the tracks better. Oh well, I though UP was cute.

2. I don't like The Blindside. In fact, I hate the Blindside. It is embarrassing that it would even be in the same category as the other movies that were nominated. With this said, I think it is easy to see why I am annoyed that Sandra Bullock won for best actress for her role in that movie. Her character was so obnoxious to me. Although I realize it doesn't matter if the character is likable, it is the ACTING that is important, I thought that the character itself had little depth. The movie overall, was painful to sit through, and the idea that it would win over movies that are so powerful as they were (I mean, winning over Helen Mirran and Meryl Streep? Really?) Ugh. The only redeeming quality to this is that Sandra Bullock was funny and she seems likable enough.

3. Ben Stiller coming out as an avatar character was hilarious, even though his eyes creeped me out. I liked Penelope Cruz's dress. I did not like Charlize Theron's dress. Robert Downey Jr. and Tina Fey's presenting bit was hilarious to me. Although I liked Neil Patrick Harris's introduction, I don't think anyone can live up to Hugh Jackman's introduction from last year.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh, Oscar.

This Sunday!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Facebook Status Re-think.

I would like to remind the world that life is very short/very long. In other words, stop moping/hurrying around. (this is to you 2578302359 friends obnoxiously depressed/getting obnoxiously married.) Either way, grow up/stop growing up!

I was going to post that as my facebook status, then figured it might not be so polite, considering I am going to a bridal shower tomorrow for a friend who has full access to my facebook page. >_>

It's not fun seeing friends go seperate ways into their own lives. Uh, or being the crying shoulder, when really you just want to slap the person and wipe the snot off your shoulder.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Shut yer face, Plushenko

Stop whining Plushenko. There is more to ice skating than landing a quad. Don't be a sore loser.
Good job Lysacek!