Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We Are Scientists-centric Post Extravaganza!

Last night I saw We Are Scientists at Kilby Court. It was quite possibly the best shows I have ever been to. The warm up acts were awesome. I was worried that W.A.S would play a lot of their new album, which I don't know as much about, but I was pleasantly surprised that I knew several of the songs they played that were new. They were really funny, and very genuine. I am kind of in love with them all over again. WHICH IS WHY! I am going to make this into a W.A.S fest, complete with HAAAY worthy pictures, music videos, interviews and some pictures and video from last night!

edit: videos from the show will be added shortly.

A classic W.A.S interview.

Chick Lit

We Are Scientists | MySpace Music Videos
From their second album, Brain Thrust Mastery.

My thoughts at this moment: 'omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg'


  1. That is ridiculously exciting! I think that if I met my favorite band members AND got a picture with them I might pass out from excitement.

  2. They look like giants compared to you! Aww scrawny tall boys, how we love thee...
