Friday, June 11, 2010



I just tried to post an ENORMOUS post on here. I had been writing it for the past half hour, at least. And what happens? Error. It logged me out, made me sign back in. I signed in, it had lost everything. I thought "No problem. It automatically saves it in drafts." So, of course, I check in drafts. Not there.

I am not sure I am able to express my anger.


  1. one time I had written a long blog in spanish to try to calm me down and when i was done i WAS in a good mood! It worked! and then it didn't post and myspace of course is even worse than blogger, I had no hope of it being recovered. I was very angry.

  2. that is exactly what this was. it was a really long post to make me calm down. and then when it failed to post, it just made me even more angry. gah
