Monday, October 18, 2010

Union Jack

This is an assignment I finished this morning at 3:30. We are supposed to pick an object, and then pick small pictures to make up the large object, using photoshop.
The requirements were:
-No Illustrations.
-No Black and White
-Preferably make the edges sort of blur. Don't make the edges very straight and literal.
-12x12, meaning 144 images
-No altering colors
My professor said it should've taken about 15 hours, but when I counted up how much time it took me, it was about 30. =(! But in the end, I think it was worth it. Of course, I chose to do the good ol' Union Jack.

edit: Trick- while looking at the screen, step away from the moniter about three steps, and you can see it clearer.


  1. That is completely and totally awesome! I would never have had the patience to complete something like that.

  2. it is so awesome!! You deserved to be singled out as the best project!
