Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Upcoming Movies

Now that I am (almost) done with school, I have been craving movies. I recently saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.1, and have been wanting to fill the hole that has been left by the lack of the instant Pt.2. These are upcoming movies that I want to go see.

The King's Speech

I love period movies. I love the british. I love history. Enough said, really.

The Eagle

Okay, I have mixed feelings about this one. I don't think it looks AMAZING, (although I've made that judgement before, and was very pleasantly surprised.) I am most interested because of Jamie Bell, haha. (also, I am hoping there is something 'The Thief'-ish about it.) AND, they travel to the Highlands of Scotland!

The Dark Knight Rises-(Potentially unofficial trailer. Can't quite tell.)

This kind of goes without saying.

Chronicles of Narnia

Okay. So maybe this movie should be too young for me. But wutevs.


  1. Ben Barnes is pretty to look at... although, I hate the name. Not fitting at all.

  2. hahah, you are totally right. that is so weird, and unsuiting.
