Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!

This year I received some awesome gifts (although not all will be in this post, because some are at home and some are at the apartment) buuuuut, here are some that I have with me right now...

An awesome how-to book on vintage tea parties. It also has a ton of really yummy looking recipes! Super looking forward to this. 

The Mighty Boosh complete series!!! I am really excited about this. I am hoping Justin doesn't regret this purchase, haha!

A Belgian waffle maker!Om nom nom nom.

And then the biggest gift of all! Justin proposed to me!!! (I know this isn't news to anyone reading this blog, because I told you first (Erin, Chelsea, Mom and Justin) buuuuut, I still was excited to post pictures. (from my new camera!!)

1 comment:

  1. WOOT WOOT! The ring looks beautiful! Congratulations!
