Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!

This year I received some awesome gifts (although not all will be in this post, because some are at home and some are at the apartment) buuuuut, here are some that I have with me right now...

An awesome how-to book on vintage tea parties. It also has a ton of really yummy looking recipes! Super looking forward to this. 

The Mighty Boosh complete series!!! I am really excited about this. I am hoping Justin doesn't regret this purchase, haha!

A Belgian waffle maker!Om nom nom nom.

And then the biggest gift of all! Justin proposed to me!!! (I know this isn't news to anyone reading this blog, because I told you first (Erin, Chelsea, Mom and Justin) buuuuut, I still was excited to post pictures. (from my new camera!!)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Coconut Lime Soup

I don't cook very much, and I want to learn more. Tonight I am feeling pretty proud. For those who cook, this is probably a really wimpy thing to be proud of, buuuut I picked out 3 potential recipes to make tonight and I went with the most intimidating! Coconut lime noodle soup!

I was going to surprise Justin by having it ready when he walked in the door from work. He gets home at 5:45 and I started at like 4, so instead of soup, he mostly got pasta because there was basically no liquid left, haha! But it was still tasty.

Coconut Lime Noodle Soup Recipe

 Serves 4 | Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cook Time: 10 minutes

32 ounces low sodium chicken broth
2 inches piece ginger, cut into 1/4 inch thick
1 can 13.5 ounces coconut milk
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, thinly sliced
8 medium-sized shrimp, shelled and deveined
3 tablespoons fish sauce or salt to taste
2 teaspoons light brown sugar or regular sugar
4 Thai chilies, stems off
6 tablespoons fresh lime juice, (approximately 3-4 limes)
2 cups bean sprouts (optional) <(blech! no bean sprouts for me!)
3/4 pound fresh thick rice noodle
3/4 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves

Prepare the chicken broth in a large pot. Add in the ginger and boil the chicken broth on high heat.
Turn the heat to medium and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add the coconut milk and return to simmer. Transfer the sliced chicken and shrimps into the chicken broth and let it cook through, approximately 3 minutes.
Slowly stir in the fish sauce and sugar. Then add the Thai chilies, lime juice, bean sprouts and 1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves. Stir in the fresh rice noodle and serve immediately.
Garnish the noodle with the remaining 1/4 cup of fresh cilantro leaves.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Goals Update

Okay, so I had listed my goals awhile ago and decided to periodically update them every month or so. Well, the last time I did was July 10th. Time to refocus!

1. Exercise more! Not doing so great. In fact, not doing anything. I want to follow this schedule:

Run at least 3 times a week. At first this will probably be run at least once a week, jog/walk at least twice a week. Then I can work up to running.
Strength training at least twice a week.
Bike/Spin at least once a week.
Hike once a week, if trails permit.

Or attend the free classes on campus. Cycling, AquaFit, Hatha Yoga, Total Strength, BOSU Blast are the classes listed on the schedule. Without going to school, I could hopefully change my work schedule around these classes.

I have gained more weight since posting my goals. I need to change.

2. Eat better! Last update I was doing well. I said I was  packing lunches for work and using myfitnesspal, ( a calorie counter website). But I haven't been doing either of those lately. In fact I have been eating pretty crappy lately. This also needs to change. I started using myfitnespal again yesterday. I wanted McDonald's breakfast this morning, (mmm, salty biscuits) but instead chose to have Grape Nuts with blueberries. It is difficult to eat better with all of the holiday parties (8 this year), but I think the New Year will be a nice fresh start and I can try now too.

3. Cook! Uh. About the same as usual. Cooking a little bit I suppose. But not enough. I'm hoping I'll have more time now that I'm out of school.

4. Spend less! Despite the holidays and probably the most amount of money I have ever spent on Christmas, I am overall spending less. Or maybe just spending more deliberately. Either way, I've been doing better on this...mostly.

5. Sew/Crochet! Uh, nope. This isn't really a top priority, but it would be nice to use some of the piles and piles of fabric I own.

6. Clean & Organize! Good news: I cleaned and organized the guest room and sewing room. Bad news: Now all that stuff is in my room. I'll need to clean it over the Christmas break.

7. Treehouse! Last post said: "It is way too hot to work out there."  Hah! Now it is way too cold!

8. Garden! Well. It's a bit late for this. Next spring, hopefully?

9. Reading! I finished the Harry Potter series. Now I'm going to read A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

10. Logic puzzles! I haven't made any. I should start that up again.

11. Document Life! I lost my camera in the San Diego Zoo. :( Until I get a new one this is on hold. 

12. Communication! I feel I have excelled the most here. Still difficult, but I definitely address issues sooner. I am quite proud of my progress.

NOTE: I think for the New Year I will mostly focus on items 1-4, 9 and 12.

Life is Good

Finals are over. I graduated. Christmas shopping is (almost) done, and Christmas is a week away. Life is good.