Monday, January 30, 2012


So. I bought a car not too long ago. I have a loan on it. The credit union and I agreed that we would have the loan payment each month come out of my payroll, since I work at the same place as the credit union is associated with.
I've been making extra payments on the loan, as well, just to get ahead and to gain some credit and pay less interest.
Well, I was looking at my loan today and I thought 'Something doesn't seem right.'

So I call the credit union, and they didn't complete setting up the payroll payment system. So not only have I been paying extra interest (it may only be like 10 bucks, who knows. I don't. but it is still annoying) BUT, I am not as far ahead as I thought. It doesn't exactly make me feel super confident that they not only said they would set it up and didn't do it correctly, but didn't even catch it.

SO frustrating. You know, if you're going to be dealing with people's money, you sure as hell better be doing your job right.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Oh boy.

I am typing up evaulations that concurrent enrollment students gave for their courses, and it seriously makes me worry.

1. There is a difference between "our" and "are".
2. There is a difference between "there" and "their".
3. There is a difference between "to" and "too".
4. The beginning of a sentence should be capitalized. So should the word "I" and any other proper noun.
5. Plurals don't have apostrophes. If you say "quiz's" it means something different than "quizzes".

These are just a few of the many horrifying errors I have found. It is driving me CRAZY.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Blog!

Introducing yet another blog! I decided to make one for my training. It will probably be super monotonous, but oh well. :) Here it is:

Monday, January 23, 2012

1/2 Marathon

Okay. So. Remember how one of my goals was to exercise more? Well. I've decided I'm going to run in the Salt Lake City 1/2 marathon! I'm nervous and excited and determined. And honestly the image in my mind that makes me look forward to it is seeing my best friend and family rooting me on. The longest I have ever ran has been 7 miles, a long time ago. (and it nearly killed me! haha) But I am determined. I have created a schedule that increases my minimum mileage every week by a mile. The longest I will run will be 12 miles (besides the 13.1 miles of the race). I have been making routes using Google Maps, and hopefully I can beg or bribe someone to bike alongside me. Eh? Eh???

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 Goals

In full disclosure this post started out as me complaining about how I feel out of shape and I am worried about money and I feel like I ruin moments, etc. (Also, I spilled my chai and I'm out of my favorite flavor of Odwalla bars and I don't want to work on my homework)

Uhm...okay, I was going to say but look! I changed things around! I took negatives and made them into positives! But actually, I just complained anyway, but with less detail. So..That felt kind of good. But I'm still going to state my overdue goals!

A little late, but better than never I suppose! These are sort of ambitious, but they are things I can continuously work on.
(in no particular order)

1. Exercise more! Although I always feel like running makes me feel the most in shape, I need to integrate other activities like yoga, hiking, and biking.

2. Eat better!This sort of goes along with exercising. And usually once I start exercising, eating better comes along with it. Along with this, I need to remember to take my vitamins more regularly. I will need to work that into my routine. (maybe I'll make my google calendar remind me, since I check it almost every day)

3. Cook!I want to learn how to cook and bake. I want to be able to contribute once I am responsible for feeding more than myself. This will also help me eat better.

4. Spend less! Spend less money on things I don't need. Be more careful, and maybe even budget each month. It is okay to spend on things sometimes, but I don't need a chai every day, just because I walk past a Starbucks to class everyday. Cooking more and eating healthy will probably help me not spend money on food, which is the biggest thing I spend money on, other than gas maybe.

5. Sew/Crochet! I want to learn how to crochet. I also want to learn how to make clothing. I know you just follow a pattern, but it is something that always intimidates me. I have always enjoyed having an activity that I can do while watching a movie, all snuggled up. Plus I enjoy making people home-made gifts, and this will broaden my choices.

6. Clean & Organize! I want to go through my entire room and get rid of things that I never use and no longer need. This will include all of my old school junk, my wardrobe, my desk, etc. I also want to clean out under my bed and under the windowseat. If I'm feeling really ambitious maybe even the back storage room. I want to also organize all of our photos, my certificate binder that my grandma gave me so long ago, and my filing folder I got for Christmas.

7. Treehouse! I can't really work on this one until the spring. But I need to stain the treehouse. And I want to clean it out, and clean out the yard underneath it. I want to make a good gate that extends across the bridge so the cows don't eat my sugar peas and radishes (again). I also want to plant flowers. This leads me to my next goal:

8. Garden! I want a really good garden this year. I need to figure out where I can have it, because under the treehouse doesn't get enough sun for many of the plants I want to plant. I want to use my tire containers, too. I want a garden similar to the garden at the Nature Center. (hee, I love the garden at the Nature Center. I also love the habitat restoration specialist at the Nature Center!!!)

9. Reading! This has long been a goal of mine. I need to force myself to do this sometimes. I think it is hard when I read in school so much and then I don't want to read anything more. But I think if I read at least 2 books each month, by choice, that will be good. This will probably start after the semester ends.

10. Logic puzzles! Finish my logic puzzle book. Minimum of 20 puzzles!

11. Document Life!
I want to make little movies constantly, just capturing little bits of life, like I did with my summer music video. Just continuously gathering footage. I think it will be fun.

12. Communication! This is sort of a seperation from the type of goals I have listed so far. I want and need to work on communicating better. It is something that I know is a problem, and for the health of all relationships, I need to do better. I think recognizing it the first step, but I need to not say that that is enough. I need to push myself to not keep things to myself. I have not yet identified if it is because of pride or fear (or both, I suppose) that I feel I can't express my feelings. But I need to figure that out. Because I don't want to hurt those I love.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

That's Ballgame

I hate feeling guilty for expressing my own emotions. Why should I feel guilty for acknowledging my feelings? I think I feel guilty because it disrupts the peace. But what is the alternative? To keep it inside, keep the peace, until it boils up and over and the reaction seems disproportionate to the crime? I don't choose these emotions. And I try to keep them reasonable. But fact is fact, and I am sick of apologizing for something that I'm not sorry for. I'm sorry for the fact of the matter, but not for the emotions I feel. The emotions I feel is hurt. Why does my brain automatically add to that hurt by telling me I am ruining things? Or for feeling guilty because I've hurt someone's feelings, by informing them that they have hurt mine. I don't like that I feel like the bad guy or worse, needy and clingy. Why can't I? I get sick of going back and forth between feeling like I am justified, and then feeling like I am being ridiculous. I feel justified until I feel like I am making too much trouble, so I talk myself out of what I really feel. I rationalize until I convince myself that I'm being irrational or too harsh.But if these emotions occur over and over and over, am I still irrational, or does the pattern mean something more than just a phase? What do you do when you realize it's a pattern and not a phase?

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year!