Monday, January 23, 2012

1/2 Marathon

Okay. So. Remember how one of my goals was to exercise more? Well. I've decided I'm going to run in the Salt Lake City 1/2 marathon! I'm nervous and excited and determined. And honestly the image in my mind that makes me look forward to it is seeing my best friend and family rooting me on. The longest I have ever ran has been 7 miles, a long time ago. (and it nearly killed me! haha) But I am determined. I have created a schedule that increases my minimum mileage every week by a mile. The longest I will run will be 12 miles (besides the 13.1 miles of the race). I have been making routes using Google Maps, and hopefully I can beg or bribe someone to bike alongside me. Eh? Eh???


  1. I won't be around to bribe, sorry. But good luck with the 1/2 marathon!
