Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sometimes youtube therapy isn't enough. Sometimes you need some good old telly to get you through.

Current shows:
1. Being Human (BBC Version (of course))
It is written by Toby Whithouse, who wrote the episode of Dr. Who that brought back K-9 and Sarah Jane Smith. (I added that mostly for you, Chels. Except I suspect that you might have already recognized Toby Whithouse's name, haha) I'm not really huge into sci-fi. (okay, that is sort of a lie, now that I think about Doctor Who and Torchwood, and scifi movies I like. But I'm not really into vampire/werewolf sci-fi, let's put it that way) But this show is probably one of my favorite shows, and it is all about vampires and werewolves. But they firstly, actually make them scary, and make sure to keep key elements of classic vampire/werewolf characteristics. And ALSO, they are good at mixing drama and comedy. Which is a good mix.

2. Other show I am into right now is called SouthLAnd (used to be on NBC, now on TNT, which is good, because it gives them more liberty to make it more realistic, with swearing and other sorts of situations.)
I am really not one for dramatic shows, but somehow I got hooked on this one. This season is particularly good, and particularly heart-wrenching. I don't know why I do this to myself, sometimes. But sneaky Hollywood knows how to trap viewers, and I am no exception. (Plus, men in uniforms helps...a lot) But I also like this show because it deals with current issues, but not in a preachy sort of way. And also, it has strong female characters, which is nice to see. And, because it isn't a typical cop show. It follows events in a much different way, it is sort of hard to explain, really. Because you find things out when the cops find things out. It isn't necessarily a show about mysteries or crimes. But more about how the cops and detectives deal, personally, with their job. It is good at showing this, without being over the top or cheesy, too.


So, I didn't really make new year's resolutions. Well, I sort of did, but nothing "official" or anything. But I decided today that my new goal, for life in general, is to create the life that I want. I see other people, and I realize that I wish I had their life, or their confidence, or their house, or their clothes, and more worldly goods. But I decided firstly, I need to make sure I never stray from simple. Simplicity I think is a big key in happiness. Another thing that I want to work towards, is instead of wanting other people's lives, I want to want MY life. And in order to do that, I have to work to become the person I want to be, and create the life I want to lead. It seems basic, but if it were, I think there would be a lot more happy people in the world.

There are other normal type goals, and they are also important, but that is my main goal. Other goals are things like exercise, eating right, work to maintain my garden this spring, and to try to clean out the house/my room of things that I don't need, and donate them, and to get a job. Also, to try and read and write more, but with school, that can be sort of hard. That is why this summer, I am going to try to not sleep in so much, and to not stay up so late (out of all my goals, this seems the least attainable, to be honest!)

My main goal is going to be a constant struggle, I think, but the main thing is to always keep it on my mind. I always have trouble with making goals and maintaining them, mostly because I forget what I am striving towards, and I just fall back into my old ways. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ten Minutes

I just exercised for the first time in a long time. I really really hope I can keep it up. It is ridiculous how lazy I have gotten. I blame the holidays. And winter....and the universe. And basically anything/one that isn't me. (haha, okay, so maybe I blame me. But it is funner to deflect blame) I only ran for ten minutes, which is pretty pathetic, but I figure I don't really have a deadline or anything, and I don't want to over do it, and then either burn out physically or mentally.

IIIIIII would walk 500 miles and IIIIII would walk 500 more, just to be the girl who walked a 1000 you could never know about it, but I would feel better about myself, and perhaps be more confident/outgoing? yeah, we'll say that.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Botany, Wolves & Spam

Ugh. Bombed my botany test. That's what I get for not studying enough and barely paying attention in class...and not reading my book. Damn consequences!

But on the plus side, Manchester United (very top of the league) was defeated by Wolverhampton . (very bottom of the league)!

Despite that, I am in one of those strange moods where I am really cheerful, then pessimistic, then happy, then blah. I hate it. I also don't have much more to say. Other than, probably, just post macros, haha. I love pic-spamming. And I can, cause it is my blog, afterall.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Steven Gerrard is our Captain!
Steven Gerrard is a Red!
Steven Gerrard plays for Liverpool!
Scouser born and bred!

And then one night in Turkey!
It was twenty one years since Rome!
With a Liverbird upon his chest!
He brought the cup back home!

And a sunny day in Cardiff!
When we won the FA Cup!
Steven Gerrard scored from 30 yards!
To shut the cockneys up!