Monday, October 5, 2015

Birthday Weekend

This past Sunday was Justin's 30th birthday! It really is a birthday weekend! Friday we went to Delicious Thai Kitchen, our favorite Thai place in town. Justin got Pad Thai and I got Tom Kha. Deeeelicious! We then went to The Martian, which was fun. It's like Castaway in space!

Saturday we were lazy, and it was great. Hoosiers narrowly lost to the Buckeyes and we ordered some pizza and watched Mad Max. I'm not really sure I was a fan, in terms of knowing any of the previous movies, but it was still fun to watch something new and eat dough and cheese, haha!

We mostly spent Sunday cleaning. The pigs got a fresh new cage which always makes them happy. We cleaned everything and Justin (being Justin) made his own cake! :) Which was deeeeeeelicious. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. He also made homemade pistachio ice-cream and homemade Indian Ice-cream (almond and cardamommmmm!). Around 6pm his friends came over and we had cake and ice-cream and everyone got to visit the guinea pigs, who were total (excuse the expression) hams. They showed off to everyone! Usually when they get stressed they just stay in their hiding places. But Harvey was standing up on his back legs and cleaning his little face all cute-like, Biscotti was running laps around his cage, and Xabi climbed to the top of his barn, jumped off, ran around to the back and climbed back up. Show offs!

After several people left we played Scotland Yard, which is a fun detective/mastermind game that is great for a party. It was fun to get to visit.

 Birthdays are the best!

 Oh, and also, I got Justin the Back to the Future trilogy, since it is October 2015, afterall. ;)

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