Thursday, August 20, 2015


A lot of stress has built/is building in our lives right now.

First, Justin had an interview at Weber State for a fantastic manager job. (Which he got!!!) But we are sort of still feeling the residual stress of travel and interviewing. Plus, there's a lot to learn for this job.

Second, our Mazda Wagon has had a lot of issues and we are going to take it to the dealership and hope for a good price. We're hoping to do that Friday.

Third, we are renting a car in the meantime, and that can be very expensive. We need to return it Friday.

Fourth, we found a car we want, but we have to take out a car loan and we have some reservations about it. We're going to do that on Friday.

Fifth, Justin's internship ends today and he has a lot of wrapping up to do there.

Sixth, no rest for the wicked, because the semester starts on Monday.

Seventh, our little guinea pig Xabi is rapidly losing weight, so we're taking him to the vet on Friday.

Eighth, there's a LOT of drama going on at my work recently. And it has been dragged out since mid-June.

Ninth, we are moving in 4 months and renting a moving truck is not inexpensive.

Tenth, my ear is still whooshing. It seems to be slightly better, but I dream of the day that I never hear it.

In conclusion, lots of things are going on, on Friday!

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