Sunday, May 31, 2015


With all that said in my previous PT post, I do want to say something else:

I have the most wonderful husband who is supportive, funny, smart, sympathetic, and strives to be his best for me everyday.

I have three cute little guinea pigs that make me giggle everyday and are a testament to our financial progress since moving (we only got them once we could afford for their care, and since we made a blind move to a place without having jobs it took months before we could get pets)

I have an apartment full of things that remind me of our journey and that comfort me because they remind me of home,

I have a family of people (both blood and law relatives)that love me and that I love and respect.

We are financially stable, I have a full time job with a boss that listens to me suggestions.

I have clothing on my back, a roof over my head, and live in a safe environment.

I have not experienced trauma from my whoosh (such as a bomb or gunfire that could damage the ear) and I am not in pain from my whoosh.

I will NOT let this stupid whoosh and that stupid doctor drag me down. I will not let this whoosh out-weigh my happiness, no matter how difficult it can be to ignore it.

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