Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Thank You

I want to thank the following people (and Kitty):

Thank you to Kitty for being the most tolerant, loyal, protective kitty ever and for most likely making me love  cats like I do. I always thought of Kitty as my guardian angel (which is super cheesy, but I don't care). He is a HUGE part of my childhood. He had the cutest short black nose and funny white markings and freckles in his eyes, and he would sleep at the foot of my bed almost every night. I do not remember life without kitty until four years ago. My sweet Kitty lived to be 18, and was the best cat in the world to me.

Thank you to my sister, Erin, who is someone I can always rely on to listen to me when I call her just to rant about stupid work or stupid drivers or stupid life. And to always be patient and offer advice and a clear, but understanding and generous perspective. Also for completely understanding my mooch-rage moments and offering the perfect therapy for such moments: 7-11 donut and coffee and an open mind. Thanks for understanding my reluctance to grow up and encouraging me to grow up in different ways. Allowing me to hold on to my child-like behaviors, but also encouraging me to emotionally grow to be more patient with people, like you are with me.

Thank you to my cousin, Taylor, who completely understands my faults and embraces them. Who doesn't agree with me on political/religious/life views but still wants to have a civil and usually funny conversation anyway and still respects my decisions and points of view regardless. Thank you, Taylor, for being encouraging about my need for creative control and of course for her exquisite and informed fashion expertise. Also, for being spontaneous and going on food-hunting treks, which usually end with mixed results. (cranberries in popcorn don't really work, but they aren't bad if you pour tongue-burning kosher salt all over it)

Thank you to my friend, Kiki, who like Kitty, has been in my life since before I remember. Thanks for not only being my friend when we were little and all we cared about was what the next adventure or game was, but also now when life has become more complicated, more hectic and more demanding. I can't tell you how much it means to know that I have a friend who completely understands how I operate under stress and who understands that just watching a movie and working on a puzzle is my idea of a good night. (And if you're reading this, thanks for your understanding texts a couple of nights ago, Chelsea, they meant a lot.) Also, thank you for introducing me to Doctor Who (WAY before the DW craze) and Flight of the Conchords and going to movies with me and putting up with my anxious, and most likely obnoxious, rush to not miss the previews.

There are two very obvious people missing from this list: My mom and my Justin. But it is quite late (I'm not doing so great with that whole get-to-bed-on-time goal) and I want to do them justice. And while it might seem like a short little paragraph, these do take emotional energy, and after today, I'm a bit drained.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being such a great friend! So many of my best memories are the ones I share with you, and the times that we got together and did puzzle movie nights leave more time for talking, etc. (I'm so glad we were into DW before the craze . . . if it annoys us now, just think of what it would have done then!) Also, I love to watch the previews! Thanks for putting up with my uncanny ability to always be late even when I mean to be on time. (-:
