Monday, November 5, 2012

School Deadlines

I am stuck. I feel unmotivated. I feel inadequate. I feel like I can't do this. I just want to graduate and never, ever, ever have another deadline again in my entire life. I hate this.

I just want to go to travel and never have to worry about time or money ever again. Not how life works. :(


  1. And it's so unfortunate that it doesn't work like that! Ugh. So, speaking of travel, I was thinking about talking with my parents about me possibly getting a friend or two and road-tripping to a bunch of places in America this summer for a few weeks. If this plan comes to fruition, would you be interested?

  2. Well, it depends on when you plan on going...around may or june I will probably be getting married, and then in august we'll maybe (probably) move to where ever justin is going to grad school. so, while I'd want to, I'm not sure about how the logistics will work out. when/where/how long do you plan on going? it sounds like fun!
