Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dumb Day

Cold and sad and cranky and tired and stressed and hungry. Feeling really melancholy today. I just want all social and scholarly obligations to go away. I also want a hot bath, fuzzy socks, stretchy pants, a bowl of hot tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, lots of blankies, the seventh Harry Potter, and everyone to be happy and content and super happy with everything I say and do and feel. I want everyone to stop draining my emotional energy and so I can stop feeling like I can't get things right.

Who I need is Kitty. :'(  Cats always are the best for melancholy days.


  1. That sounds like just what I was thinking. Stupid days like this require candlelight and warm, fuzzy things.

  2. :) I thought you might understand! I miss you kiki! next time you're home let's have a movie/puzzle night, yes?
