Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Click to enlarge.

Friday, October 26, 2012


I love making lists. I make them all the time. In fact, I waste more paper than I like to admit making lists (but I recycle!). Today I want to make several lists.

Things I Miss:
1. Going to my Grandma & Grandpa Moulding's house. I miss the smell and coziness of their house and I really wish that I knew my grandparents as an adult instead of as a bratty teenager.
2. Kitty, Moochy, Romeo. My fuzzy friends.
3. A different kind of miss-I miss my cousin Taylor and my uncle Mike. They just live out of state so I don't see them much anymore.
4. Disney World. I want butternut squash soup on a rainy day! I want amazing fireworks! I want to hug Meeko!
5. Oslo. Galicia. Paris. Merida. Kirriemuir.

Things I Love About Winter:
1. Hot apple cider. Hot cocoa. Hot chai lattes. Hot soup. Warm pie. Comfort food, basically.
2. Blankies! I LOVE blankies. In fact if I were to be accused of hording anything, it would be blankies. Can't get enough.
3. Apparel. Scarves, jackets, coats, cardigans, layering, boots, gloves, hats. My wardrobe is much more suited for colder weather.
4. Smells. I love the smell of pine cones, cinnamon, nutmeg, eggnog, ginger, all of the wintery-christmasy smells I really like.
5. Presents. Obviously the biggest thing during winter is Christmas. And I really love thinking up presents to give people. I think for one thing, gift-giving is a way I show love and affection. I want to try to make home-made gifts this year. (haha, although don't hold me to that! I'll probably end up buying things. Afterall, up until Dec.14, I'll be stressing out about my senior project) But I always try to put a lot of thought into gifts.

(Bonus: (I didn't make the bonus a #6 in my list, because I hate not having factors of 5) I also love doing puzzles in the winter! Winter is prime puzzle season. Nothing better than watching your favorite classic holiday movie and working on a puzzle while all bundled up in fuzzy pajamas!)

Things I Want to Do This Weekend:
1. Prepare the Cat Apartment for winter. The same for Annie's kennel.
2. Get ready for the Halloween party at my cousin's house. What to wear? What to be? Hmm! I might go for my crazy cat lady costume again...It isn't much of a stretch, really. I just have to wear more-than-usual frumpy clothes. :D
3. Get ahead on my homework.
4. Clean & Organize my room. Including donating a bunch of stuff to the Woman's home.
5. CHRISTMAS SHOP! Although I might have to wait on this for financial reasons. :( If so, I'll at least try to think up of good presents for everyone!

Things I Look Forward to After Graduation:
1. Obvious things like no homework, no due dates, no academic stress, etc.
2. Exercising! I really want to focus on getting into shape and I think it will be a LOT easier after graduation. I notice that I always exercise a lot more in the spring/summer anyway. And now I'll have no school during spring to worry about!
3. Not eating crappy lunches on campus while sitting at my work desk...actually this might still happen. But at least it isn't because I only have 10 minutes between class and work!
4. With not having school, hopefully I can find another part-time job, or maybe quit my current job and find a full-time job. Having more money sure would be welcome.
5. I don't think it is a secret to all that read my blog (Erin, Kiki, sometimes Mom and Justin?)that I plan to marry. This will probably happen in the spring/summer of next year. :)

One more list!

Recent Entertainment Choices: (dorky title, I know)
1. My obsessive relapse into the world of Harry Potter. Rereading the books. Really enjoyed the first four, of course. But I only read the 5th, 6th and 7th one time, and so it is fun not remembering details and rediscovering the story.
2. Part of that obsessive relapse is having an account on! It is AWESOME.
3. Watching Doctor Who from the very first episode. We are now on the 10th doctor (my personal favorite). I always thought Martha was my favorite, probably because I started watching when she was the companion, but I really miss Rose now. :(
4. I have slowly been watching Once Upon a Time, as sort of a guilty pleasure. It has taken the place of Merlin (which I finished all that was available on Netflix), Robin Hood, (which ended.), Being Human, (which I haven't actually looked into much since the last season ended...maybe I should.) And Pushing Daisies (which  I realize is the only non-BBC show in that list). You always need a guilty pleasure for a show that has iffy graphics and sometimes poor acting. (actually Being Human and Pushing Daisies is fine. I think Robin Hood and Merlin are aimed at a younger audience so meh)
5. Spotify. Okay. I gave in and I got Spotify. And I'm actually really pleased. The only thing that bugs me is that when I close spotify by pushing the red X in the corner of the screen it doesn't fully close it. I can only fully close it if I do the old File>Close. And I guess the ads are annoying too, but they don't seem to come up as often as Pandora. I like that I have access to all music from a band. So it is much more like an iTunes interface than Pandora. I don't like that I forget that I don't actually own that music. Haha! But I did notice there were quite a few unreleased and B-side tracks on there. That made me happy.

-cough- so. seeing as I wrote all of this at work, I better click 'Publish' and be on my way!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dumb Day

Cold and sad and cranky and tired and stressed and hungry. Feeling really melancholy today. I just want all social and scholarly obligations to go away. I also want a hot bath, fuzzy socks, stretchy pants, a bowl of hot tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, lots of blankies, the seventh Harry Potter, and everyone to be happy and content and super happy with everything I say and do and feel. I want everyone to stop draining my emotional energy and so I can stop feeling like I can't get things right.

Who I need is Kitty. :'(  Cats always are the best for melancholy days.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Yes, please.

I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!