Thursday, August 2, 2012


Two more weeks of summer classes, one week of vacation, and then 4 months of fall classes and then I graduate! It doesn't seem like I should be allowed to graduate, honestly! I think everything is lining up pretty well in terms of the bigger picture. Feeling very optimistic! In other news, I have started to go to a strength training class, and plan to take a cycling class in the fall. That combined with a schedule I have put together for exercise will hopefully pave the way to my ambition of running a half-marathon. :) And honestly, in a way, I would like to run a half-marathon, but more than that I want to be healthy and fit and confident!


  1. Glad that things are looking so great! Hope things continue to go well.

  2. I love hearing your chipper tone! Look at you getting life gold stars! Love you!
