Friday, March 9, 2012

Costa Rica

Okay. I have a dilemma. There is a study abroad program through the Spanish Department to Costa Rica. I am torn about going. Here are the pros and cons:

  • It is $2,100 and covers food, housing, excursions and local transportation.
  • I would be immersed in the language that I really really want to learn.
  • I would also be immersed in the culture that I am studying.
  • I could eat real homemade tortillas and beans EVERY DAY. (I can't tell you how much I miss real tortillas)


  • If I needed to take classes during the summer, I wouldn't be able to.
  • I would miss a month's salary.
  • I would be gone for my birthday.
  • I would be gone for my sister's birthday.
  • I would be gone for my one year anniversary with my boyfriend.
  • I would be gone for my family reunion, where I get to see cousins that I only see once a year.


  1. The only really huge con I see there is missing the family reunion. The real question is: Will you have the chance to take this opportunity another time? Will there always be a summer study abroad you could take? If not, there will always be birthdays, anniversaries, and reunions.

  2. If I were you, I would go for it. We can celebrate your birthday when you get back, and your boyfriend should understand the great opportunity this is and be happy for you and encourage you to go. You could also do something special for your sister's birthday when you get back. It's really the thought that counts.
