Thursday, February 11, 2010

Spain update + Xx complaint

Got word today that it is unlikely that the school would hire me in the summer to teach because not enough kids attend summer school. Although when I think about it, I guess that doesn't mean that I wouldn't teach in the fall. So, technically, maybe I am still at the beginning. ALTHOUGH, it WOULD be pretty awesome to spend the summer here in Utah, but then go over to Spain in like Mid-late august and teach for the new year/take fall semester classes. But um, that might be my own agenda, and I think that main point for my sister is to help with the rugrats.
But still, although it would be nice to stay in Spain for the summer, if I don't really have much to do, in terms of a job, I definitly would go crazy. I think the teaching part was probably the highlight, honestly.

Anyway, in other news, I hate my Xx chromosome. My emotions have been pretty volatile this past week. AND, my plan to eat healthy sort of flew out the window as soon as I got cramps. dfkjasdlfjasdfasd;flwfalsdjfaoimabsdglha;ldj

Ho hum.

1 comment:

  1. You know, every time that time of the month comes around I always crave chocolate and yummy baked goods. It's nearly impossible to eat healthy. Although, I do find that I lose weight anyways because of the water weight loss. Even if you don't eat amazingly healthy, if you drink four 16 oz bottles of water a day you'll lose weight. I lost five pounds that way, actually, and I hardly ever exercise.

    I agree, you would go crazy without a job and nothing else to keep you occupied. You should come to visit me in the summer!!!! I could take you to see the sights of Monterey and Santa Cruz if you came for at least a week. So, there's my invite. It only takes up a week of your summer, you get to go do fun things with a friend, and you don't have to worry about missing important things because you get to choose the week you come! How cool is that?
