Saturday, February 20, 2010

Facebook Status Re-think.

I would like to remind the world that life is very short/very long. In other words, stop moping/hurrying around. (this is to you 2578302359 friends obnoxiously depressed/getting obnoxiously married.) Either way, grow up/stop growing up!

I was going to post that as my facebook status, then figured it might not be so polite, considering I am going to a bridal shower tomorrow for a friend who has full access to my facebook page. >_>

It's not fun seeing friends go seperate ways into their own lives. Uh, or being the crying shoulder, when really you just want to slap the person and wipe the snot off your shoulder.


  1. So, I'm really glad that the only time I can remember being your crying shoulder was when my dad's dog killed your cat. And I hope that there aren't that many times you can remember being my crying shoulder. Also, the thing that sucks about friends going their own ways, for the friend and the friend of that friend, is that then they have to find new friends when he/she moves away! Then you have all the idiots on facebook who take things personally and don't understand the difference between reality and facebook. It's sometimes feels like High School Online (except that I pretty much only go on there to check out three people's statuses and then play games and leave... which is, I guess, what I did in High School anyways... but I went to the journalism room instead of logging off).

    Just so you know, I laughed when I read that status update.

  2. Yeah, but I think those crying shoulder instances are legitimate. They aren't about really stupid things. I have some pretty emo friends. It's like they don't realize that there is a lot worse in the world than their own problems. and their problems are more like "user-error" problems. Self-perpetuating problems. it's dumb.

    High School Online, haha. Yes. I keep thinking I'll delete some friends who always update stupid things, but never interact with me in any way. I don't know why they added me as a friend if they don't even talk to me at all.
