Saturday, February 27, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Facebook Status Re-think.

I would like to remind the world that life is very short/very long. In other words, stop moping/hurrying around. (this is to you 2578302359 friends obnoxiously depressed/getting obnoxiously married.) Either way, grow up/stop growing up!

I was going to post that as my facebook status, then figured it might not be so polite, considering I am going to a bridal shower tomorrow for a friend who has full access to my facebook page. >_>

It's not fun seeing friends go seperate ways into their own lives. Uh, or being the crying shoulder, when really you just want to slap the person and wipe the snot off your shoulder.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Shut yer face, Plushenko

Stop whining Plushenko. There is more to ice skating than landing a quad. Don't be a sore loser.
Good job Lysacek!

U.R.A Fever

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Spain update + Xx complaint

Got word today that it is unlikely that the school would hire me in the summer to teach because not enough kids attend summer school. Although when I think about it, I guess that doesn't mean that I wouldn't teach in the fall. So, technically, maybe I am still at the beginning. ALTHOUGH, it WOULD be pretty awesome to spend the summer here in Utah, but then go over to Spain in like Mid-late august and teach for the new year/take fall semester classes. But um, that might be my own agenda, and I think that main point for my sister is to help with the rugrats.
But still, although it would be nice to stay in Spain for the summer, if I don't really have much to do, in terms of a job, I definitly would go crazy. I think the teaching part was probably the highlight, honestly.

Anyway, in other news, I hate my Xx chromosome. My emotions have been pretty volatile this past week. AND, my plan to eat healthy sort of flew out the window as soon as I got cramps. dfkjasdlfjasdfasd;flwfalsdjfaoimabsdglha;ldj

Ho hum.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Spanish Dilemma

Okay, SO, this is the situation.

My sister and brother in law are living in Spain. We are going to visit them. They have offered to let me stay for the summer and fall semester, taking classes online and teaching English at a school there. They are moving back to the U.S at the end of the year.

So, opportunity of a lifetime to spend more than half a year living in Spain, BUT, I have hesitations. I decided to make a pro/con list.

-Never again (I don't think) will I have this opportunity.
-Free expense of living
-I can take classes online and my sister can tutor me (she is a math major)
-I will be practically living on a private beach
-I will be getting paid for teaching English, AND I don't need to know any Spanish. (which is good, I have mostly forgotten everything I ever learned.)
-I might pick up some Spanish.
-I will spend time with my nephews and newborn niece

-I will spend time with my nephews and newborn niece
-Limited television. This is sort of an embarrassing con.
-I will probably be expected to go to church. This is a major con.
-I might get stir crazy
-I get home-sick really easily.
-I don't want to miss anything at home, good or bad. (birthdays, or unexpected deaths)
-I had plans for the summer at home, such as: vegetable garden, fixing up tree house, lots and lots of bike riding.
-I don't know anyone in Spain except family.
-I will be expected to help with children A LOT. Which might be a good lesson to learn, but I am not sure if I want to.


Saturday, February 6, 2010


So I was going to have every friday be a music and or video posting day, but uh, it's now saturday. So um, I'm expanding that to weekend music and or videos instead!