Monday, November 28, 2011

Fantastic Thanksgiving Break!

On Wednesday I left work early and me and Justin went to the brand new Natural History Museum in SLC. It was AWESOME! I highly recommend it. It is extremely well done. Very small (and big) details with the architecture tie everything together. It was impressive and a lot of fun to explore. Then we went to Biaggi's at the Gateway, which I have never been to, and I had a delicious butternut squash ravioli. Justin had a lobster noodle dish with black noodles (Which we later found out was cuddle fish ink. It was kind of unexpected to me, haha). THEN, (and Chelsea, I have to thank you for this) we went to Gourmandise for dessert, where I got a little tinsy bit carried away! I should always remember to just get those french macarroons, they end up being my favorite anyway.

Thursday was Thanksgiving! We first went to Justin's family's Thanksgiving dinner, which was conveniently just down the road and had the bonus of Jaymee's delish brownies, then went to our Thanksgiving dinner, which was also very yummy. (And also conveniently about 3 hours later, otherwise I would have been sick). This year my mom made Success Cake, a Norweigian cake we discovered in Norway this past spring, and really love. Then I worked on my puzzle and later went to Justin's house and played Lego Star Wars on the Wii! It made me really want to watch the movies. (Another thing I have to thank Chelsea for. I have a very distinct memory of sitting on your bed and watching Star Wars on your little TV.)

Friday morning we went and watched The Muppets! It was hilarious, I really loved it. Possibly more than Puss in Boots, I have to say. Then I tried to register my car, but was stupid and forgot my photo I.D because I didn't think we were going to register it after the movie. (And since my mom bought the tickets online, I didn't think I needed my purse. I guess I should get in the habit of always taking my purse everywhere, but, meh.) Then Friday night I went rock climbing with Erin! (see previous post)

Saturday I slept in and was a lazy bum. I then didn't do much else, except in the afternoon I went to the Owens to watch Arsenic & Old Lace, a Cary Grant classic! :)

And now it is Sunday night, and you may have noticed that homework is not mentioned in any of the above days. Because I'm a genius and put everything off until last moment, even when I clearly have plenty of time. Oh well, I'll get by. I did get a little bit of homework done and played Minecraft, then decorated for Christmas at Justin's house. It makes me excited for Christmas and for the end of the semester. I want to do a lot during Christmas break!

Hopefully these next 2 weeks don't kill me.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the next two weeks don't kill us all. And you're welcome for Gourmandise, and for the Star Wars memories. Those are some of my favorite, too. :)
