Sunday, November 20, 2011


After five long months of relying on the charity of my poor mother and boyfriend, I finally have found/have bought (okay, not bought yet, but will on Monday when the banks are open) a car!!!

I can not wait to
A) Not have to ask/get a ride everywhere.
B) Get all the car stuff from my old car that is sitting in my room into the new car.
C) Be able to shop for Christmas gifts without my mom knowing!
D) Leave work without having to wait for my mom. And let her leave work without having to wait for me. (Although I think I'll probably still carpool a fair bit, to be responsible/if our schedules line up)

PLUS, the car I am getting is a wagon type of car, so it will be great for road trips!!! Woohoo!

Here is a picture from the KSL ad.

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