Monday, November 16, 2009

Say yay for hay!

No, I say boo! boooo!
Dumb cows. I just realized that on top of winter being cold and dark and depressing, it is also filled not with joy, but with ear canals filled with hay.

I am starting to feel the impending doom of having to feed the cows one of these days. And I don't like it! I don't like it one bit!

In other news, I got my H1N1 vaccination. Woo! Nasal spray, even better. I hate shot-sore arms.


  1. I got my H1N1 vaccination too! And yes, I can foresee that future for you too... it isn't a bright one.

  2. haha, it isn't! at all!
    did you get the shot or nasal spray?

    oh guess what, guess what. I am randomly watching a comedy show that I have never seen/heard of before, and they have celebrity guests on it, (it isn't a talk show, it's like a radio show thing, and the guests are celebrities.)
    ANYWAY, Dominic Monaghan is on! He's so awesome! yay!!! Ah, LOTR days, I miss you.
