Monday, November 9, 2009


Is out to get me.

Laptop power chord does not work, laptop dead.
Mp3 player does not work, dropped it, now it clicks.
Car stereo does not work: no cd player, no tape player, no radio, no backlights.
Portable DVD player charger bitten through by a naughty cat, and screen gets possessed occasionally.
Expensive noise-canceling headphones have a short in it.
CPU won't play my favorite games (Lord of the Rings, Sim City) and has no internet access.

Techno-angst over.


  1. Life sounds terrible for you in the tech world right now. When Star Trek comes out next week we'll watch it and drown our techno-angst away!

  2. How often I have imagined my laptop of whatever other electonic device is at that moment giving me grief flying, flying, out the open window, tumbling, tumbling, end over end, through the air, and in slow motion impacting upon the pavement below, shattering into a million billion pieces in a shower of sparks, metal and plastic. I take comfort, in some odd way, from the concept that in an alternate universe I actually did chuck the thing.

  3. Hahaha, oh, how I dream of such a day!!!

    That post is hilarious.
