Saturday, November 28, 2015

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries

Since I caught up to Jane the Virgin, and now have to wait a WHOLE WEEK to see new episodes, I started watching Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, and I LOVE IT! I wish I had all of the main character's outfits. The music and costumes are really fun, and all of the main characters are so endearing. The mysteries aren't particularly complicated (it isn't Sherlock), but you aren't really watching for the mystery, you're watching for all of the interactions between your favorite people and the character development. It's also refreshing to have a female protagonist for a change.

Fun, funny, light, dramatic, refreshing.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Jane the Virgin


Ok, that is all.

Edit: Not sure why this picture is ordered the way it is.
Jane, the main character, is on the left.
The guy in the middle is definitely not the main character. Well...he is according to himself, haha!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Birthday Weekend

This past Sunday was Justin's 30th birthday! It really is a birthday weekend! Friday we went to Delicious Thai Kitchen, our favorite Thai place in town. Justin got Pad Thai and I got Tom Kha. Deeeelicious! We then went to The Martian, which was fun. It's like Castaway in space!

Saturday we were lazy, and it was great. Hoosiers narrowly lost to the Buckeyes and we ordered some pizza and watched Mad Max. I'm not really sure I was a fan, in terms of knowing any of the previous movies, but it was still fun to watch something new and eat dough and cheese, haha!

We mostly spent Sunday cleaning. The pigs got a fresh new cage which always makes them happy. We cleaned everything and Justin (being Justin) made his own cake! :) Which was deeeeeeelicious. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. He also made homemade pistachio ice-cream and homemade Indian Ice-cream (almond and cardamommmmm!). Around 6pm his friends came over and we had cake and ice-cream and everyone got to visit the guinea pigs, who were total (excuse the expression) hams. They showed off to everyone! Usually when they get stressed they just stay in their hiding places. But Harvey was standing up on his back legs and cleaning his little face all cute-like, Biscotti was running laps around his cage, and Xabi climbed to the top of his barn, jumped off, ran around to the back and climbed back up. Show offs!

After several people left we played Scotland Yard, which is a fun detective/mastermind game that is great for a party. It was fun to get to visit.

 Birthdays are the best!

 Oh, and also, I got Justin the Back to the Future trilogy, since it is October 2015, afterall. ;)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Great Weekend!

So, despite having a stressful Friday, we had a great weekend.

It was sort of a rough start. We decided to back out of buying the car I SUPER want (my dream car, a Subaru Forester). It was the right decision. There were just too many red flags. Kind of a bummer, but better safe than sorry!

We took Xabi to the vet, and he is a healthy pig! The vet said that he's a little light, and if he loses more weight, she'd be worried, but that he isn't terribly underweight. She also said to not compare the different breeds of pigs (Xabi is Abyssinian, the other two are English). But just in case we need to force feed him, she gave us a nice syringe, so we're at least prepared! We concluded with the vet that it is possibly all of the fighting going on between Harvey and Biscotti that is causing Xabi to not get enough food. I redid the cage (AGAIN), and I think it's a better set-up. For more rambling about guinea pigs, you can visit

Another thing we did is re-pot a plant that my grandma gave me when we first moved here. It was 4 different plants in 1 pot. It looked really nice all together, but recently it has not been doing too well. I had already repotted it to a bigger pot, but we decided to just separate them. It's kind of fun having a bunch of different pots around the apartment. I hope it didn't stress them out too much. It was nice to actually DO something. I mean, we cleaned the apartment up and everything, and I made a little grid shelf system for the pig stuff, but it felt good to do something outside. Even if it was just on the deck.

This is when we first moved. It's really small there! I'll upload the separate pots once I get home and can take pictures. I look forward to the day that I can have a real porch or sunroom for my potted plants! 

Thursday, August 20, 2015


A lot of stress has built/is building in our lives right now.

First, Justin had an interview at Weber State for a fantastic manager job. (Which he got!!!) But we are sort of still feeling the residual stress of travel and interviewing. Plus, there's a lot to learn for this job.

Second, our Mazda Wagon has had a lot of issues and we are going to take it to the dealership and hope for a good price. We're hoping to do that Friday.

Third, we are renting a car in the meantime, and that can be very expensive. We need to return it Friday.

Fourth, we found a car we want, but we have to take out a car loan and we have some reservations about it. We're going to do that on Friday.

Fifth, Justin's internship ends today and he has a lot of wrapping up to do there.

Sixth, no rest for the wicked, because the semester starts on Monday.

Seventh, our little guinea pig Xabi is rapidly losing weight, so we're taking him to the vet on Friday.

Eighth, there's a LOT of drama going on at my work recently. And it has been dragged out since mid-June.

Ninth, we are moving in 4 months and renting a moving truck is not inexpensive.

Tenth, my ear is still whooshing. It seems to be slightly better, but I dream of the day that I never hear it.

In conclusion, lots of things are going on, on Friday!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Victor Frankenstein

So, as you may know, I don't like horror movies. AT ALL. I am a huge wimp and my brain struggles to disassociate fiction from reality when watching horror movies. I have never understood the appeal of purposefully scaring yourself. I just don't like it.

With that said...I'm super excited about Victor Frankenstein! It looks like it has some humor in it. It probably also helps that I'm familiar with the plot, so nothing will be...TOO much of a surprise? Not sure 'bout that, but still. Just look at the cast: James McAvoy, Daniel Radcliffe, Jessica Brown Findlay, Andrew Scott, Mark Gatiss.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I can't remember if I've posted this song before or not. It's one of my favorite Devendra Banhart songs. My favorite part:

 Well I'm scared of ever being born again,
If it's in this form again ,
   I wanna know how, why, where, and when,
and then, and then...
 I wanna see you be the bright night sky,
I wanna see you come back as the light,
I wanna see you be the bright night sky,
I wanna see you come back as the light.


Friday, July 31, 2015

New Libertines Album!

So, I knew that the Libs had a reunion show sometime around 2010, and there were sort of rumors or snippets of news about them working on something, but then recently it has been revealed that they have been recording a new album, which is out soon!!!

See this link for descriptions of the track listing. I kind of don't want a new album, in a way. 2 albums in their hey-day, and nothing more sounds good to me. But I have read that a lot of what is on their new album is recycled old demos or bits and pieces from unfinished Libs songs, so I'm pretty excited about that. It also seems like they aren't trying to desperately re-create their 2003/4 sound. But I think a good balance of old and new will be great. eeeee!

NME Track by Track Review

Recent-ish photo from the studio. It's real!


Tuesday, June 16, 2015