Friday, July 25, 2014

Wildlife Habitat

A woman called into my office wondering if she could find someone to help her create a wildlife habitat in her backyard. She is 71 and has stopped mowing the yard. I volunteered to help, and she has given me a budget to make her backyard nice. It's purpose is to be a place for wildlife, specifically pollinators. Bees, bats, birds. It is going to be a TON of work, but I am excited about it!

Before pictures:

Below are my "inspirational" photos. These are gardens that I hope to at least get a little close to.


  1. I am 74 and did the same thing. You are right, it is an incredible amount of work, but so worth it. I check on my frogs and birds many times a day and never dreamed it could be this much fun.

  2. P.S. The work was building it, not so much in keeping it up.
