Saturday, May 17, 2014


I don't like romantic, mushy-gushy, proclamations of love on facebook. So, I'm just going to say it here, because it is what I'm thinking; I have the cutest husband, ever. He is perfect for me. We are a good team, and we can get through anything together. He is smart, clever, funny, sensitive, thoughtful, patient, level-headed, supportive, and more than I could have ever dreamed of or hoped for in a life partner.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Job Update #3

I GOT IT! IT PASSED! I have a full time job!!!

Pigs in a Basket

I put the pigs in a laundry basket, with their new (but already dirty) Goodwill fleece blankie,  while I cleaned their cage. They were really freaked out at first. Harvey burrowed, like he usually does, but Scott and Xabs stayed on top of the blanket and then unwittingly were stepping on Harvey, which caused him to squeal like crazy, which made them get panicked, so then they wore themselves out and all napped. Biscotti was laying down until the camera zoomed in and put him on high alert!

                                     Xabi sleeps weird. He puts his entire head sideways. Which I guess isn't weird for humans, but it looks really weird when he does it.

Biscotti curled up after getting worn out.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Job Update #2

There are 3 steps (well, more than 3, but 3 important steps) to my job becoming full time.

The first is a meeting where 3 park members (of 7) vote to forward the decision on to the full board. This has happened!

The second will happen tomorrow. It is where the full board decides. This has to be unanimous to go into effect immediately. If it is not unanimous than it can go to a second vote, which is step 3.

If it goes for a second vote, it has to pass by majority, meaning 4 out of 7 board members have to pass it. Technically, we should have had 3 of those 4 votes already from step one, but it turns out that only 2 members showed up to the meeting, which means we only have 2 votes so far.

If it does not pass on the 2nd vote, it is finished. It will not come up again.

I'm nervous!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Job Update

I might get to quit my job at the deli soon, if all goes to plan! My job at the county (Ever want to know what my job is like? Just watch Parks & Rec. It sums it up nicely.) might go full time! I'll be a full time April Ludgate!