Monday, March 21, 2011

BBC Angst, rehashed.

BBC has gotten the best of me again. When will I ever learn, seriously? They have a tactic, draw you in to a show. Make you completely addicted to it. Then ruin everything and break your heart. I experienced this with Robin Hood. I experienced this with Doctor Who. I experienced this with Torchwood. And now, for some reason I thought that things might, just MIGHT be different with Being Human. But noooo, they had to go and be consistent with this torturous pattern. When will I ever learn?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think either of us will ever learn. There's an extra angst with Being Human (even though I've never seen it, I still have this angst) that American television is redoing it and calling it an "Original" series.

    I think that the British have an obsession with unhappy endings. It comes with the clashing of the class system, I think.
